help • 12 SwyxIt! Classic Configuration • User Profile • Encryption
12.1.13 Encryption
You can use the "Encryption" tab to set the encryption mode. Call data is encrypted via "Secure Real Time Transport Protocol" (SRTP). The protocol, designed for real-time communication, means security for voice data transmission. The data is encrypted, so that listening to calls is prevented.
The following encryption modes are available:
*No encryption
The voice data is not encrypted. If this field is deactivated, the administrator has already selected "No encryption" in the global settings for SwyxServer.
*Encryption preferred
When "Encryption preferred" is selected, encryption only occurs if your call partner has configured either "Encryption preferred" or "Encryption mandatory". If this is not the case, the voice data is not encrypted, but phoning is still possible.
*Encryption mandatory
When "Encryption mandatory" is selected, voice data encryption is obligatory. This means that either encryption always occurs or the call is aborted with the reason "Incompatible encryption settings". This is the case, for example, when the other party has configured "No encryption".
Encryption settings can be specified globally in SwyxServer by the administrator. The selection made by him influences the configuration options which are possible here.
To specify the encryption mode
1 Select the encryption mode you want: