• 2 The Graphical Script Editor • When should I use the Graphical Script Editor?
2.1 When should I use the Graphical Script Editor?
In the basis product, new Call Routing rules are created by the user with the help of the Rule Wizard. The Graphical Script Editor offers the option of creating rules and action sequences graphically. The situations known from Rule Wizard (e.g. calendar status, times, caller number) and actions (e.g. Voice Box, call forwarding, announcements) are available in the form of blocks with user-defined parameters. The connection between the blocks is simply illustrated using arrows that represent action paths. This allows you to create even very complex call handling scenarios in the simple form of a branched flow chart. The rules which are produced in this manner are then ranked and executed accordingly in the Call Routing Manager as usual.
DTMF tone recognition and evaluation capability enable interactive, caller-controlled, intelligent call handling (Interactive Voice Response). Incoming calls can be forwarded to the appropriate employee according to the caller’s wishes and requirements.
The graphic representation of call handling in the form of interconnected blocks enables the user to almost intuitively create even larger and more intelligent sets of rules.
In 2.2 We Create a Simple Example you will find step-by-step instructions for creating a script and you will find further application examples in 2.7 Examples.
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