The View Menu
In this menu you can
*the settings of the the Graphical Script Editor interface and
*the properties of the script.
Menu Commands
This is where you can choose which of the icons should be shown in the menu bar.
Shows/hides the “File” toolbar.
Common Blocks
Shows/hides the “Common blocks” toolbar.
Mail Access Blocks
Shows/hides the “Mail access blocks” toolbar.
Queue Blocks
Shows/hides the “Queue blocks” toolbar.
Status Bar
Shows/hides the status bar at the lower border of the window.
Info Pane
Shows/hides the Info pane with detailed information concerning the blocks, announcements, variables, errors and warnings.
Enlarges or reduces the view of the content in the script section.
The “Settings” window will be opened. Here you can define the view of the interface.
Full screen
The grid interface is enlarged to fit the size of the screen. Press “ESC” to return to the previous view.