2.3.6 Info Pane
On the left side the Graphical Script Editor you will find the Info pane. It contains a list with a tree structure including the following entries:

blocks and their names

notes (if any exist)

WAV files and the blocks in which the WAV files are used

variables and the blocks in which the variables are used

errors and warnings and the blocks in which the errors and warnings occur
Errors and Warnings
The errors and warnings concerning the script can be found in the Info pane. They are listed for each of the blocks in which they occur. The following table contains the messages and their meanings 2.4.11 Possible Errors and Warnings:
Only error-free scripts can be used as a rule or action after they have been saved in the Call Routing Manager. A script, which contains errors, can only be saved as a draft in the Call Routing Manager.
A script, which only contains warnings but no errors, can be used in the Call Routing Manager. It will appear there as an available rule or action in the Rule book.