This block can be used to query information about the caller or about the number called and then to use this information for decisions concerning the call handling.
You have selected the parameter “External Calls Only”. All calls which you receive from external numbers, i.e. not from subscribers within the company network, will follow the exit “True” and all internal calls will follow the exit “False”.
Under "Properties", all three tabs "General", "Parameters" and "Connections" tabs are available for this block.
This is how you define the parameters for Call
1 Here you can choose a call characteristic from a select list containing those characteristics, which are recognized by the Call Routing Manager: If you select an entry, which requires more detailed parameters, a new window querying the corresponding parameters will open.
You can select from the following supported conditions in regards to the type of call:

Calls from any number
or a reasonable combination of the following conditions:

Calls from
caller ID You can take the caller ID from the address book or enter it directly. You can enter several different numbers by separating them with a semicolon.

Caller without Caller ID (you see ‘XXX’ in the display)

Only intern SwyxWare calls (in general, calls that are made via SwyxLink are external calls)

External calls only

Calls to my
extension You can select the number from the dropdown list.

Calls to any of my numbers (if you have several numbers).
Wildcards can also be used here, for example, in order to be able to specifically identify international calls by entering “000*” (Public line access+ international country code). In doing so, ‘*’ can stand for several numbers and ‘?’ for exactly one number.
On this tab you will find all outputs associated with this block. This block provides the option of making a decision based on the properties of the caller. The outputs are described as follows:
In the first column "Visible", you can define whether each output should be shown in the script window.
| The "Visible" column is only used to define the visibility of the links in the script window. This setting helps to maintain the clarity of the script. You cannot remove outputs, i.e. the connections must be kept, otherwise an error will occur in the script. |
The second column "Default" contains the default name of the output. This provides information about events during the execution of a block so that additional appropriate connections can be created. This fixed name cannot be changed. You can assign your own identifying names to the various contact surfaces in the column "Link name". This name will later appear in the block in the grid interface.
In the last column "Linked to" you see which block input this output is connected to. Here you have the option of selecting a link from a select list, which contains all available blocks.