2.6.2 The Settings for the Script Window
Here you can change the view of the script window, such as the appearance of the blocks and the links, and even the appearance of the grid.
This is how you change the view ofthe Graphical Script Editor
1 Go to the menu bar and select “View | Settings…”.
1 Go to the toolbar and click on

The following window appears: “Settings”.
The display of the Graphical Script Editor can be defined on the following tabs.
On the “General” tab, you define

whether you must confirm a deletion procedure,

whether the block type should be displayed,

which of the outputs of a block should be displayed. You can choose between
“All outputs”, i.e. a display of all possible outputs including “Terminated”, or
“All except system”, i.e. no display of the output “Terminated”.
The settings will be applied immediately.
On this tab you can define the properties of the grid interface in the script window:

Appearance of the grid
Lines or

Size of the individual grid fields (in pixels)
Width and

Other options, such as
Automatic alignment of the block in the grid (even if no grid is displayed),
Display of the grid (lines or dotted)
On this tab you can define the colors of the grid interface in the script window:

Background color

Color of the Links (Arrows)

according to state
To select other colors, click on the corresponding color field and select the color. You can use “Other colors...” to receive your PC’s color scale or you can add other colors.
The “Default colors” button can be used to reproduce the default setting of the colors.
A connection line can have the following conditions (colors):
The color settings shown correspond to the default setting.