1 The Phonebook
This chapter contains information on the use of the Phonebook.
Frequently used numbers are stored in the Phonebook. You can then dial these numbers directly from the Phonebook. There are two different types of Phonebooks available to you:

the Global Phonebook and

the Personal Phonebook.
When saving and processing personal data, observe the respective applicable legal data protection regulations. If you have any questions especially regarding data protection in SwyxWare, please contact your administrator.
Personal data cannot be deleted automatically. In order to meet the valid data protection regulations, it may be necessary to delete the entries manually.
The Global Phonebook
The Global Phonebook is available to all users and contains information about the availability of your company's subscribers, e.g. if they are available or currently making a call. The system administrator or the user with the appropriate authorization can add further phone numbers in this Global Phonebook, e.g. external service providers. However, the availability of these phone numbers is not signaled. The Global Phonebook also contains dial numbers of individual groups. Furthermore, in a server link-up the users of the other server are also shown in the Global Phonebook, provided the administrator has configured this appropriately.
The Personal Phonebook
You can store, edit or delete your personal numbers in the Personal Phonebook. This Phonebook can contain any number of entries. You are the only person with access to this Phonebook. You can also export or import these entries. See also
1.2 Importing/Exporting Phonebook Entries.
Text search in the Phonebook
SwyxIt! Classic offers an interface to Microsoft Outlook and Lotus/IBM/HCL Notes. Numbers held in your contacts can thereby be dialed directly with SwyxIt! Classic. Furthermore, not only the SwyxIt! Classic phonebooks but also your contacts will be used for identification of an incoming call. You can also display your contacts directly from the SwyxIt! Classic phonebook, or create new contacts.