help • App. A: Call Detail Records (CDR) • The Charging Information
A.3 The Charging Information
SwyxServer requires charging information in order to control the display of charges in the telephony client and in order to create the Call Detail Records. SwyxWare receives charging information from the public network via the ISDN channel from the "Advice of Charge" information element (IE). This section describes in detail how SwyxWare interprets charging information and how the charging information is transmitted to a sub-PBX or an ISDN device, which are switched after SwyxWare.
Furthermore, we will describe how charging information is transmitted via a SwyxLink trunk and how it is saved in the CDRs.
Charging Information via ISDN
Charging information can be transmitted by ISDN in various formats and at different times. SwyxWare uses this information, which occurs almost exclusively during practical application, during the connection (AOC-D) or at the end of the connection (AOC-E). There are different variations for both of the above variants: The transmission of charging units or the transmission of charges as currency units. The type of information that is transmitted depends on the provider and the existing line. For more detailed information on this, contact your ISDN provider.
"Advice of charge" in Charging Units
This type of charging information contains the number of charging units. The Deutsche Telekom generally uses this type of charge display. In order for the SwyxServer to be able to display the charges for a call in the telephony client or in the Call Detail Records, SwyxServer must know how expensive one charging unit is.
How to configure the value of the charging unit
1 Open the SwyxWare Administration.
2 Open the "SwyxServer | Properties" and switch to the "Charges" tab.
3 Set the value "Cost per charging unit".
Changes made to this value have no influence on the connections made in the past. The new value will be used when determining the charges for future connections.
Please note that the settings made in the administration are only valid for this type charging information. If the charges are transmitted in as currency units, these settings are ignored.
"Advice of charge" in Currency Units
This type of charging information contains the number of charging units, the value of a charging unit and the currency. Since this information is complete, SwyxServer ignores the configured charging unit value and the currency. Swiss Telecom generally sends this type of charging information.
Accuracy of the Charges
The accuracy of the charging information provided via ISDN depends on your provider.
Enreach cannot guarantee that the charges displayed match the costs charged by your provider. In addition, no provider will guarantee that the charging information provided via ISDN is 100% correct.
Charge information in sub-PBX or ISDN device on internal S0/S2m-Bus
From SwyxWare version 4.0, fee information is also sent to the internal S0/S2m-Bus. This requires that the ISDN card be operated in NT mode (D.1.2 SX2 in NT Mode). The SwyxServer then generally sends AOC-D information in currency units, regardless of how the charging information was signaled on the external ISDN line.
If a PBX or an ISDN device is in operation, which cannot interpret the AOCD information element, SwyxGate can be reconfigured so that it sends display information elements instead.
Charging Information via SwyxLink Trunk
SwyxServer also routes charging information to other locations via a SwyxLink trunk.
If user A1 at site A dials a number, which is transferred via a SwyxLink trunk to site B and an ISDN trunk_GB and from there into the PSTN, the charging information received by the ISDN trunk_GB will be sent via the SwyxLink trunk to user A1.