9.1.2 Create Call Permission
If there are special requirements for call permissions, which the standard profiles do not satisfy, the SwyxWare administrator can define his own call permissions, customized specifically for the needs of the installation.
You can specify the call permissions in very precisely differentiated detail when defining them. Various parameters are available for selection for this purpose:
Allow or deny call
You can formulate the call permission positively (allow) or negatively (deny).
Destination numbers or URIs
You can use dummies in the definition, e.g. for country and local area codes, or '*' for any digits or letters (
10.5 Placeholder).
Public line access codes
You can use various public line access codes, e.g. in order to differentiate between private and business calls.
Use of the trunk group
Depending on the trunk group used for the outgoing call, e.g. ISDN or SIP, other call permissions can be specified.
With the help of the trunk permission, individual users can also be forced to use e.g. only certain trunks.
The normal office worker is permitted only to telephone over the SIP trunk, while the manager is also permitted - e.g. if the SIP connection fails - to phone using the ISDN access to the public network.
This is how you define a call permission
1 Open the SwyxWare Administration and choose the SwyxServer.
2 On the left side of the SwyxWare administration window, click with the right mouse button on "Call Permissions" and select the entry "Add Call Permission..." in the context menu.
The "Add New Call Permission" wizard appears.
3 Name and description of the call permission
Enter a unique name and a short description for the profile.
4 Click on "Next>".
5 Add single permissions to call permissions
You can specify several permissions for this profile here.
6 Click on "Add".
7 The following window appears:
Activate the option "Allow calls to Called Party number/SIP URI" or "Deny calls to Called Party number/SIP URI" . For each entry in the profile, you can only either allow calls (positive) or deny them (negative).
Specify the call numbers or URIs in the relevant fields. You can use dummies here, e.g. in order to define larger ranges (e. g. all calls in the Netherlands +31* or all calls to *@company.com).
If you want, define a public line access for this right. If the option is not activated, the definition applies to all public line accesses.
Several public line access codes separated by semicolons can be entered here.
All calls to numbers beginning with +44900 (activation of "Allow calls to Called Party number/SIP URI" and +44900*) are allowed, but only for private purposes. For private calls you have specified a second public line access, e. g. "8" (
8 Locations).
This allows you to recognize all calls to 0900 numbers as private numbers in the Call Detail Records (CDR), and analyze them accordingly.
Applicable Trunk group:
You can specify here whether all trunk groups or only one particular trunk group may be used for the permission defined above.
All calls for private purposes (activation of "Allow calls to Called Party number/SIP URI" and +*) will be allowed. For private calls you have specified a second public line access, e. g. "8" (
8 Locations).
Now you can specify that for capacity reasons, only one particular trunk group may be used for private calls, e. g. the SIP trunk group.
8 Then click on "OK".
The new call permission is created and is immediately available.
When defining the profile for gateways, use a dummy e. g. [AC] for the local area code ( 10.5 Placeholder). When a call is forwarded via a gateway, the local area code of the relevant gateway is used for the permission, and not the local area code of the user location. This means that a standard profile (e. g. local calls) can be used at various locations.
If you want to create a call permission that basically allows local calls via all trunk groups, but only for a specific public line access (in this case '8'), you configure the following parameters:
Allow call +[CC][AC]*
Trunk group "All"
Public line access 8 (private)
You can then use this profile independently of the trunk group's location. In each case, the code which was defined for the trunk group's location is used.