L.7.9 Check Installation
1 Check that the Grafana and Prometheus containers are running. On the monitoring system, enter the following as administrator
docker container ls
*You should see two running containers (Prometheus and Grafana). In the Grafana container, the "Ports" column should contain>3000/tcp
so that Grafana is accessible in your network.
2 Check whether Grafana is accessible and working:
*Open http://<monitoring-system>:3000 in a web browser. <monitoring-system> is the computer name or IP address of the monitoring system. You should see the Grafana login page.
*Log in with your admin account.
3 Verify that SwyxWare HealthMonitor is running in a PowerShell console on the SwyxWare system:
get-service Swyx.Core.HealthMonitor
*The service should have the status "Running".
4 Verify that Grafana can reach the Prometheus service and that Prometheus can query HealthMonitor and Sonar-Perfmon metrics:
*Navigate to the Explore page
*Select Prometheus as the data source.
*Enter swyx_response_time_milliseconds in the text field "Enter a PromQL Query". You should now see the response times of the individual SwyxWare services provided by HealthMonitor. If this is the case, the HealthMonitor is installed, running and providing data.
*For example, enter "win_logicaldisk_PercentFreeSpace. You should now see the free disk space metrics provided by the sonar-perfmon exporter. If this is the case, the HealthMonitor is installed, running and providing data.