help • 7 Configuration of SwyxServer • Configuring SwyxServer settings • The "RemoteConnector" Tab
7.5.19 The "RemoteConnector" Tab
The configuration on this tab is supported only for compatibility with the older SwyxWare installations.
Use Swyx Connectivity Setup Tool to define the RemoteConnector settings, see 6.3 RemoteConnector Configuring
You can configure SwyxServer for Internet connections with your Clients using this tab.
Enable remote access
If support for direct internet connections to the clients is required, activate the check-box.
Authentication server (FQDN or public IP)
Enter the public server address and the port into the corresponding fields to allow Swyx clients to reach the server via InternetSwyxServer.
The registered public address of the authentication service must be configured within the respective settings on the Client computers.
If you use a different standard port and not 9101, it has to be explicitly input in the Client settings.
RemoteConnector Server (FQDN or public IP)
Enter the public server address and the SwyxRemoteConnector server port in the respective fields. The standard ports for the SwyxRemoteConnector are 16203 or 57203.