help | 1 Swyx Meeting | Accepting or declining guests
1.8 Accepting or declining guests
Every meeting room has a waiting room every guest can access after entering the meeting ID. As a host, you can accept or decline the participation of guests.
While guests test your microphone, audio, and camera settings, they can lock their video camera or microphone. As a host, you can recognize this by the color of the symbols under the name of a guest: green = activated, red = deactivated.
As soon as the first guest is accepted and attends the meeting, the room is activated and the participants can communicate with each other.
To accept or decline a guest 
1 Click on to enter the waiting room.
*The list of all guests appears.
2 Click on ACCEPT to accept the guest’s participation.
*The guest attends the meeting.
3 Click on DECLINE to decline the guest’s participation.
*The guest receives a notification that you have declined the participation, but can request your participation again at any time.
Activate Automatically accept to automatically allow all guests to join a meeting.
If a red connection strength icon appears in the video window of a guest, the guest has problems with the connection to Swyx Meeting.
See also section Leaving and ending meetings.
Last modified date: 05.02.2023