help | 1 Swyx Meeting | Broadcasting videos
1.22 Broadcasting videos
You can broadcast videos via Swyx Meeting. As a guest, you must request video broadcasting from the host. As a host, you must confirm video broadcasting for guests before they can use the feature.
This feature is only available with Swyx Meeting 10.
When using an Apple Mac, it is possible that access to the camera was inadvertently disabled within Google Chrome. Activate access for Google Chrome within the settings (System settings | Security | Privacy).
In general, you can broadcast videos in .webm, .mp4 and .mov format. The support depends on your browser.
Apple Safari does not currently support video broadcasting.
Mozilla Firefox does not currently support video broadcasting.
To broadcast a video 
1 In your video window click on .
*The moderator may receive a request that you want to broadcast a video.
As a host, click on and ALLOW to confirm video broadcasting for the appropriate guest.
3 Select a video from your file system.
*The video is displayed to all meeting participants.
Play video for all participants.
Pause video.
Adjust volume (only changes your own settings, not those of the other participants).
View video in full screen mode (changes only your own settings, not those of other participants)
Exit full screen mode (only changes your own settings, not those of the other participants)
Mute during playback
Mute own microphone during broadcasting.
When playback is paused or stopped, your microphone is automatically reactivated.
Quit video.
Last modified date: 05.02.2023