help • 11 Chats • Send photos, videos and files
11.3 Send photos, videos and files
To share photos, videos and files, you must allow the app to access your photo and video library and the smartphones's camera.
The following types of files can be sent and received:
*Applications: docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, odt, rar, pkg, asf, swf, doc, pdf, rtf, tex, zip, ai, eps, ps, rss, sql
*Text: txt, log, csv, xml, vcf, css
*Audio: aif, m4a, mp3, wav, wma
*Video: avi, flv mov, m4v, mp4, mpg, wmv
*Pictures: psd, bmp, gif, png, jpg, jpeg, jpe, tiff, tif, svg, otf, ttf
To share photos and videos within a chat
1 Tap .
2 Tap the desired contact or room to resume the chat conversation.
3 Tap on +.
4 Tap if you want to take a new photo.
5 Select whether you want to record a video or take a picture.
6 Tap the shutter button.
7 If you want to use the photo you have taken, tap Use stillshot.
*The photo is sent to the contact or to the room.
1 Select if you want to send an existing photo from your photo gallery.
2 Select the desired photo.
*The selected photo or video is sent to the contact or room.
To share files within a chat
1 Tap .
2 Tap on the desired contact to resume the chat.
3 Tap on +.
4 Tap .
5 Select the file from the desired location.
*The file is sent to the selected contact or room.