help • 5 Configuring Swyx Mobile
5 Configuring Swyx Mobile
This chapter describes how to configure various Swyx Mobile functions.
In the section Settings you will find settings for different topics.
Functions | Logs obtainings
By turning on logging, app activities are collected in a local file and can be shared using different apps. See also chapter To activate the logging of app activities.
Functions | Incoming calls in full screen mode
To enable you to answer calls even when the screen is locked, you should allow notifications from this app in full screen mode.
Information | About
Here you will find information about the application.
Information | Privacy Policy
Click here for the privacy policy.
Information | End User Licence Agreement
Click here for the licence agreement.
Information | Help
Click here to access the app's online help.
Sign Out
Here you sign out from Swyx Mobile, see also 5 Signing out from Swyx Mobile .