help • 4 User interface • My Profile
4.1 My Profile
In the My profile section, you can see your name and telephone numbers and change your profile picture and status text (see also 6.1.2 Entering personal status text).
To change your profile picture
1 Under My Profile tap Edit.
2 Tap on the profile picture.
You have the following options:
*Delete Photo
*Take a Photo
The camera application opens and you can take a new photo.
*Choose Photo
Choose your profile picture from your existing photos.
You can search the various folders on your iPhone for an image you want to use.
*Use Memoji or Emoji
Choose a memoji or emoji from the existing collection or create your own.
3 Tap on Done to save your changes.
To take photos or use photos from the gallery you need to allow Swyx Mobile to access photos, media and other files if necessary.
When saving and processing personal data, observe the respective applicable legal data protection regulations. If you have any questions regarding data protection, please contact your administrator.
Personal data cannot be deleted automatically. In order to meet the valid data protection regulations, it may be necessary to delete the entries manually.