Hide phone number, exchange first and last name, allow access to local contacts
To hide your number
1 Select the menu item More | Settings.
2 Tap on the Hide number option.

As of now, your phone number will not be displayed on outgoing calls. By deactivating this option, you can cancel the suppression of the phone number.
To swap the first and last name display
In addition to the different sources your contacts refer to, they may be sorted and displayed in different ways, e.g. [first name, last name] compared to [last name, first name]. You can swap first and last names to get a uniform representation within the contacts and events.
1 Select the menu item More | Settings.
2 Tap on the Swap First-/Lastname option.

The contacts are displayed in a consistant order.
To activate/deactivate the access to your local contacts
To view all contacts in your local address book, you must allow access to the local contacts.
1 Tap on More | Settings , and select the option Allow local contacts to activate/deactivate the access to your local contacts.
Last modified date: 02.24.2021