Swyx 14 - ReadMe



1 Important changes in:

SwyxServer 14.01

SwyxServer 14.00

2 System requirements


You can find information on the hardware requirements in our knowledge database: https://service.swyx.net/hc/en-gb/articles/13772878531996


You can find information on the hardware requirements in our knowledge database: https://service.swyx.net/hc/en-gb/articles/13916515322908

3 Update License

You need a "SwyxServer 14 Update" license to run Swyx 14 after an update from a SwyxWare 13 or older version. You must enter an update license key during installation.

Please note that the above license is not linked to the "Software Update Licenses Service Key". See also: service.swyx.net/hc/en/articles/360000012780-Swyx-Update-Service

4 Installation and update

Swyx 14 can be used to update SwyxWare 12.41 or higher. Updates of older versions and updates of SwyxWare Compact are not supported. For information on SwyxWare migrations, please contact your reseller

When updating, you should first update SwyxServer, Swyx Control Center and then SwyxWare Administration. Client should be updated last.

It is recommended to update SwyxWare directly instead of removing the old version first.

Information on updating the software can be found on our online help pages: https://help.enreach.com/cpe/14.00/Administration/Swyx/en-US/index.html#page/help/chap_installation.08.01.html

We recommend stopping all SwyxWare services before updating. This can be done by executing the command 'ippbxconfig.exe /stop /y' in the SwyxWare program folder.

Microsoft service packs and updates
Ensure that the latest Windows operating system service packs and SQL Server service packs are installed. We recommend to have Windows Update enabled to automatically get important Microsoft security updates for your operating system.

Make sure that the Windows user you use for the Swyx 14 setup must have administrator rights on the system on which the SwyxWare is installed.

Please note that the user account used for running the SwyxWare services must not have administrative rights. If you have created the service account for yourself, make sure that the account is not a member of the local administrators or domain administrators group. This ensures that the Swyx services do not receive any higher authorizations than necessary.

Master / Standby
Please note that a master / standby installation, as well as the updating of such an installation, is not supported. Master/Standby must be switched off before updating.

5 Swyx services with multiple IP addresses

A Windows server can have multiple IP addresses permanently or temporarily, for example, when using multiple network cards or remote access software. Under such circumstances, SwyxWare services might use a wrong IP address. Therefore the preferred IP address can be configured within the Windows registry. To do this, please add a character string with the name "LocalIpAddress" to the registry under the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Swyx\General\CurrentVersion\Options. Enter as value the IP address that the SwyxWare services should use.

6 Compatibility list of SIP providers


Using STUN for SIP Trunks please keep in mind that the STUN server must be always available. Otherwise telephoning is sometimes not possible via these Trunks.

The delivered Compatibility List "ProviderProfiles.config" configures STUN.SWYX.COM for some providers instead of their own STUN server. This Swyx STUN Server is only meant as a placeholder. It isn't always available. Please replace this STUN server on the tab "SIP" in the Trunk Group properties using a STUN server which is supported by the provider.


SwyxIt! is the desktop telephony client for Windows systems

1 Important changes in:

SwyxIt! 14.01

SwyxIt! 14.00

Swyx Connector for Microsoft Teams v5 or higher only supports the new Microsoft Teams Client

2 Installation and update

Installation via .MSI installation package requires administrator rights

By running the installation, both clients (SwyxIt! and SwyxIt! Classic) are installed:

Start the SwyxIt! Setup.msi file and follow the installation instructions. Further information, also on unattended installation, can be found in the SwyxIt! User Documentation.

“Silent” SwyxIt! Installation with Microsoft Office applications running

If you start SwyxIt! unattended (without displaying the user interface), e.g. with the command line parameter "/qn" in the MSI, the update may hang. This happens if you have installed the Outlook Add-In and outlook.exe or another Office application is running. For a smooth unattended update experience, make sure that no SwyxIt! related processes or Microsoft Office applications are running. Technically, there is a third-party component in the installer that displays a message box that cannot be seen and confirmed by the user in certain deployment scenarios, e.g. deployment via Microsoft InTune. We plan to improve the unattended update experience in a future update.
As a first workaround, add 'PERUSERADDINREGISTRATION=1' to the MSI command line when using a deployment tool such as Microsoft InTune. This changes the Outlook AddIn registration to a mechanism per user instead of per computer. This workaround becomes effective in the update step after you have set the property to 1.

TAPI for Windows Terminal Services

On a Windows Terminal Server the Swyx TSP can provide an arbitrary number of lines. When installing SwyxIt! with the "TSP" feature activated on a server, the TSP properties dialog appears.

On a server the dialogue allows to change the number of available lines. If the number is changed later on, the telephony service must be restarted.

For each user an individual TSP line must be configured:

  1. Configure the TSP to use the number of lines corresponding to the number of SwyxIt! users planned for the terminal server access Configure the TSP to use the number of lines corresponding to the number of SwyxIt! users planned for the terminal server access
  2. Assign to each TSP line one Windows user account (see below).
  3. Within a terminal window only assigned lines will be visible. Only administrators will see all lines.

  4. In the TAPI applications, running in a terminal client window of the same user, select the same TSP line. If you have assigned the windows users correctly, only one line will be visible and wrong configuration is avoided.
  5. Select the same TSP line within SwyxIt! (local settings, tab Terminal Server), running in a terminal client window of the same windows user. If you have assigned the windows users correctly, only one line will be visible and wrong configuration is avoided.

Assign exactly one TSP line to one user. This is required for a proper association between TSP lines and terminal client sessions.

To enable or disable a Telephony Server:

  1. Execute the following command in the Command Prompt: TapiMgmt.msc
  2. In the console tree, click the plus sign (+) next to Telephony to expand the item. Then select the required server.
  3. On the Action menu, select 'Properties'.
  4. On the 'Setup' tab, activate the 'Enable telephony server' check box.

If the 'Enable telephony server' check box is unavailable, you need to start the Telephony service first:

  1. Select 'Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services'.
  2. In the context menu of 'Telephony' select 'Start'.

After you enable the server, specify a logon account in the Account Information area.

The logon account you specify must be a member of the Administrators group on the server. It must also be in the same domain as the server or in a domain that has a two-way trust relationship with the domain containing the server.

How to Assign a Telephony User to a Line or Phone:

  1. From the Telephony Configuration console view, select the service provider you want to configure, for example, the "Unimodem 5" service provider.
  2. In the 'Details' pane, in the 'Line Name' or 'Phone Name' area, select the corresponding line or phone.
  3. On the 'Action' menu, select 'Edit Users | Add'.
  4. In the 'Look in' box, click the domain that contains the user.
  5. Select the required user, and then click on 'Add'.

These steps define whether clients can use the telephony devices accessible to the server. Changes take effect the next time the computer attempts to start the TAPI service. To manage the Telephony service, you must be a telephony administrator on the server or logged on as an administrator. If the user assignment menu entries are disabled, please try to log on as local administrator.

3 Important notes

Using Jabra devices

If you use a Jabra device with SwyxIt!, please note the following information:

  • Answering a second call with a button on the Jabra device can result in the current call being terminated.
  • Switching between multiple active calls using the buttons on the Jabra device can be very limited or not work at all.
  • The behavior of a Jabra device for incoming calls (ringing etc.) is not only determined by the SwyxIt! settings, but also by the settings within 'Jabra Direct'
  • Headset H390

    When using the Headset H390, the SwyxIt! volume slider does not work correctly. The device maintains its own volume control and does not respond to the master volume of the corresponding Windows mixer. For changing the volume of that headset please use the volume buttons on the device.

    Headset H370/H371 as Ringing device

    SwyxIt! Per default the SwyxIt! audio devices H370 and H371 cannot be configured as ringing device. The H370 and H371 will always signal incoming calls with device specific ringtones. Per default the SwyxIt! audio devices H370 and H371 cannot be configured as ringing device. The H370 and H371 will always signal incoming calls with device specific ringtones. Nevertheless, it is possible to enable the configuration as ringing device via a registry value:

  • In the Windows Registry Editor, navigate to the key which contains the settings for the Jabra SwyxIt! PlugIn contains:
  • On 32 bit systems:


    On 64 bit systems:


  • Add a DWORD (32-Bit) value inside that key named "GN93xxRingingDevice" and set the value to "1"
  • The only purpose of this setting is to render the notification tone for calls being on hold at the H370 or H371. For example, if a transferred call is not accepted by the transferee, this call will be put on hold after a timeout and the notification tone will be rendered at the ringing device.

    Headset/Handset as default Windows audio device

    In some rare cases SwyxIt! audio could be disturbed when a SwyxIt! audio device is also used as Windows default sound device. Audio output is disturbed when the SwyxIt! Audio device additional as default Windows audio device If you observe such problems, try using a different audio device as Windows default sound device and do not use your headset or handset for Windows sound output. You should not use your headset or handset for Windows sound output.

    Office Communication AddIn

    From the contact card or the context menu of an Office contact only audio calls can be initialised via SwyxWare.

    After installation of the Office Communication AddIn, only presence information of SwyxIt! is shown within Office applications. To show the presence information from other IM clients, this AddIn must be uninstalled first.

    After installation of the Office Communication AddIn and first start of SwyxIt!, Office applications must be restarted once to enable status signalling.

    Swyx Control Center

    1 Important changes in:

    Swyx Control Center 14.00

    Information on setting up integration with Microsoft services can be found in our knowledge base

    You can find information on the hardware requirements in our knowledge database: https://service.swyx.net/hc/en-gb/articles/13772878531996

    You can find information on the hardware requirements in our knowledge database: https://service.swyx.net/hc/en-gb/articles/13916515322908

    Swyx Control Center requires the IIS (Internet Information Service) running on the hosting computer. If this Windows function is not yet active, it will be activated automatically during installation. (The installation process may take considerably longer as a result). IIS must not be stopped during installation and operation of Swyx Control Center.

    2 Installation / Update

    To install Swyx Control Center click on the corresponding link on the DVD. Swyx Control Center can also be installed via the respectively named .msi file.

    You can also start the installation of Swyx Control Center by opening it via the command line. Start the installation with the command "msiexec /i". You can control the scope and the progress of the installation with certain parameters, e. g.:

    msiexec /i "SwyxControlCenter.msi" /passive /l*v MyLogFile.txt WEBSITEFOLDER= "C:\Program Files\Swyx" INSTALLPORT=9443 INSTALLSHORTCUT=1 SHOULDUNINSTALLIIS=0

    You can use the following parameters:

    Parameter Explanation
    msiexec /i Start of installation
    SwyxControlCenter.msi Name of installation file. Please check that the name of the MSI installation file is correct
    /passive Use this parameter to display the installation progress bar. No prompts or error messages are displayed. The installation cannot be aborted
    /l*v .txt Use this parameter to record the installation process in a log file
    WEBSITEFOLDER This option allows you to set the directory in which the IIS-Website is to be installed. Standard value: /swyxcontrolcenter
    INSTALLPORT This option allows you to set the port for the IIS web site, (from 1 to 65535) default value: 9443
    INSTALLSHORTCUT You can use this option to specify whether a desktop shortcut is to be stored for the call (=0:no, Default value: =1:yes)
    SHOULDUNINSTALLIIS With this option you can define if IIS should be deactivated during SwyxWare uninstallation (=1:yes, default value: =0:no)

    After a successful installation you can open Swyx Control Center via the windows start menu, or call it up via the URL in a web browser. The standard URL will be, if you keep the default installation parameters.

    Swyx VisualGroups

    The Swyx VisualGroups extension provides intelligent queuing capabilities for your SwyxWare. Swyx VisualGroups is useful for all teams who want to handle more incoming calls more effectively.

    Swyx VisualGroups is licensed as a floating license on a user basis. There are two licenses available: a standard version and an enhanced version with reports and statistics.

    It is recommended to license Swyx VisualGroups in SwyxWare prior to installation and configuration. If you use SwyxWare with the included evaluation license, you can install VisualGroups to benefit from five free VisualGroups Enhanced licenses during the evaluation phase.

    VisualGroups 1.14.4119.0

  • Adaptation of the VG Web Extension to the Enreach design for SwyxIt! Classic 14 Skins
  • Detailed information on VisualGroups 1.14.4119.0 can be found in the release notes at https://service.swyx.net/hc/en-gb/articles/13988039884060-Swyx-VisualGroups-1-14

    Swyx Push Notification Service

    1 Important changes in:

    2 Firewall settings:

    To enable communication between the push notification service and the responsible push notification gateways at Apple/Google, the necessary ports must be opened in the Internet firewall:

    iOS Devices:

    Outbound TCP connections to port 443 on api.push.apple.com

    Android Devices:

    Outbound TCP connections to port 443 on fcm.googleapis.com

    Push notification gateways may use different IP addresses with the above mentioned DNS names. Allow connections to the DNS names, not specific IP addresses.