1.4 Uninstalling
You can completely uninstall VisualGroups.
To uninstall VisualGroups
1 Uninstall „SwyxPLUS VisualGroups Reporting and Maintenance".
2 Uninstall "SwyxPLUS VisualGroups".
VisualGroups is uninstalled. All calls to a VisualGroups queue are forwarded to the defined number, if applicable.
| To remove all VisualGroups files from your system, you have to manually delete the VisualGroups database from your SQL server, the VisualGroups queue user in the SwyxWare Administration and the directory of the PDF reports. Additionally, you have to delete the IIS log files of the VisualGroups web instance, if applicable, see Changing VisualGroups storage directories. |
To uninstall VisualGroups unattended
Use the following parameter to uninstall:
<c:Parameter Name="SQLVGLoginAutoCreate">true</c:Parameter>
If the parameter is set to "true", all other parameters are ignored (including AcceptEULA) and the uninstallation is carried out. The database remains intact.
| To remove all VisualGroups files from your system, you have to manually delete the VisualGroups database from your SQL server, the VisualGroups queue user in the SwyxWare Administration and the directory of the PDF reports. Additionally, you have to delete the IIS log files of the VisualGroups web instance, if applicable, see Changing VisualGroups storage directories. |
| The uninstallation log is written to the VisualGroups Installer Trace in the general Trace folder for Swyx. |
Last modified date: 06.26.2023