help | 3 Using SwyxIt! with VisualGroups | Defining criteria for automatic call delivery | Prioritising incoming calls according to queues
Prioritising incoming calls according to queues
You can change the order in which incoming calls are displayed in the client by prioritizing queues differently.
This setting does not affect the rules for distributing calls to users in the queue.
To prioritize incoming calls by queue 
1 Click on the Criteria tab.
*The list of your queues appears.
2 Click on the settings symbol in the line of the appropriate queue.
*Your criteria are displayed.
3 Click on the settings symbol in the Priority line.
*The selection for the prioritization appears.
4 Select the desired priority number for the selected queue.
The lower the number, the higher the priority for sorting incoming calls. Calls in the queue with priority "1" are displayed first in the queue list in the client.
If you have set the same value for prioritization for several queues, the sorting is done according to the general rules. The longest waiting caller of the corresponding queues is displayed first in the list.
Last modified date: 06.26.2023