help | 2 Configuring VisualGroups | Further configuring | Call Strategies | Strategy "Skill based": Distribution of callers based on to skills & skill level of the users
Strategy "Skill based": Distribution of callers based on to skills & skill level of the users
From VisualGroups on, with an Enhanced licence you can use the call forwarding strategy Skill based to automatically assign callers to the most appropriate user. VisualGroups uses pre-configured ‘Skills' and assigned ‘Skill levels' to automatically select the best available user for a call.
For the configuration of skills and skill levels, see Skill based routing.
When a call is processed by a queue, all assigned VisualGroups users are taken into account. The call strategy prioritises users with higher skill levels over users with lower skill levels, also taking into account availability based on SwyxIt! status. If a user has selected Offline or DND, it is skipped.
The order of skill levels is:
Hero > Expert > Senior > Junior. Users who have not assigned all the skills required for the queue will not receive calls from this queue. If several available users have the same skill level, the "normal" call strategy takes effect according to the longest inactive principle.
If several skills are assigned, the highest skill level a user has in a skill counts for the call distribution. There is no prioritisation or summation of skills.
If no skills have been assigned in a queue with skill based routing, all agents are taken into account.
When using skill based routing, the user's wait and time criterion are disabled for the specific queues. However, a user can still use the Call dispatch option to enable or disable routing of a specific queue.
Skill 1 level
Skill 2 level
Idle since
2 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
[not assigned]
[not assigned]
35 minutes
*Order on the next call: B > A > C
User A and B both have the highest skill level Hero in a skill. User B is idle for longer, therefore B > A. User C comes after users B and A due to his lower skill level.
Even though user D has the longest waiting time, he does not receive the call because he has not been assigned the skills required for the queue. User D is not assigned to the queue as a user.
Last modified date: 06.26.2023