Opening/closing times
You can set daily availability times for each of your queues. You can specify the availability start, break time and availability end individually for each day.
*The function is disabled by default for queues.
*Callers who call outside the availability times will be forwarded to another (internal or external) number. The entry of a call number for forwarding is necessary to use the function.
*When activated, the default availability time is Monday - Friday between 08:00 to 16:30 and the default break time is 12:00 to 13:00.
*The break times are optional. Only one break period can be set for each day.
*The queue remains "offline" if the opening/closing times function is activated, even if a user logs in outside the availability time.
In order to configure this function, see To enable opening/closing times.
Last modified date: 06.26.2023