help | 2 Configuring VisualGroups | Further configuring | Create, edit and request regular reports
Create, edit and request regular reports
VisualGroups usage reports are created for a defined time period and sent to the given e-mail address. You can create different types of user reports (daily, weekly, monthly) and define individual settings for each of these usage reports. You can also request reports on past periods and generate them on demand.
In some cases the start and end time of the logging time may differ from the defined time. The logging time is automatically extended if calls are detected outside the defined time.
Reports are created and sent via email within 30 minutes after the defined logging time.
How to create and edit reports on a regular basis 
1 Select Administration | Reporting | Reports in the main menu of the web portal.
*The list of your VisualGroups usage reports appears with following information:
*Name of the report
*Time when the last usage report was created
2 Click on Add or activate the checkbox in the line of an existing usage report and click on Edit.
3 Additionally to the settings in the configuration wizard (Define the reporting settings:) you can edit the following settings:
Report name
Enter a name for the usage report.
Select the language for the reports from the dropdown list.
Report type
Use this interval to specify the intervals at which usage reports are to be generated.
Execute on & Time of execution
Select a time for sending the regular reports.
Reporting time interval
Specify the interval at which data is summarized ("averaged") in the report. The shorter the interval, the more results are listed in a usage report.
Logging time
Enter the period to which you want to restrict reporting.
Recipient’s email address (CC/BCC)
Enter the email address(es) to which the Carbon Copy or Blind Carbon Copy reports should be sent.
User information in report
Click on the checkbox to show or hide user-specific information in the reports. This information includes the logon data of the users as well as their individual call acceptance statistics and evaluation.
When saving and processing personal data, observe the respective applicable legal data protection regulations.
4 By assigning the available queues, you can specify which queue(s) will be included in the report. You can assign the selected queue(s) using the arrow icons. You can also assign queues via drag and drop.
If you assign multiple queues, an additional report is sent with the total of all assigned queues.
5 In order to do this, select the checkbox for the desired queue(s) and click on the corresponding arrow.
6 Click on Save.
*The report will be created according to your settings and sent to the specified email address(es).
This is how you request a report (resend reports) 
1 Select Administration | Reporting | Request a report in the main menu of the web portal.
*The request a report page will be shown.
The available time periods are eventually limited by the configured data protection settings.
2 Select the desired report from the Report configurations dropdown list.
3 Select the desired period of the report from the Time frame dropdown list.
4 Click on Request.
*The report is now in progress and will be delivered within 30 minutes.
How to delete a report 
1 In the menu select Reporting | Reports.
*The list of your VisualGroups reports appears.
2 Activate the checkbox in the line of the corresponding usage report and click on Delete.
The directory of where the reports can be deleted is described in the column PDF files with reports.
Last modified date: 06.26.2023