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Categorization of calls
Administrators can analyse calls based on the assignment of categories by users in Swyx Analytics using the PDF reports. The categorization can be sorted via drag and drop and assigned individually for each queue, see Enable call categorization.
1 Select Administration | Settings | Call categories in the main menu of the web portal.
*A list of your call categories opens.
2 Click Add to create a new conversation category or Edit to rename an existing call category. If you want to remove a call category, click on Delete.
3 Enter the desired name for the call category.
4 Click on Save.
*The call category was successfully created.
After you have assigned the category to a queue, see Creating, editing and deleting queues, it can be selected by users after a call in the queue for categorization, see Categorizing calls.
For effects of call categorization when wrap-up time is enabled, see. Behaviour of the wrap-up time with activated call categorization.
You can set a default category for a queue into which calls that users do not categorise before the wrap-up time expires are automatically assigned to. See Enable default categorization after wrap-up time expires.
Last modified date: 06.26.2023