help • 15 Numbers and Number Mappings • Placeholder • General Placeholders
15.5.1 General Placeholders
The general placeholders can be used in many places within SwyxWare, in routings, number mappings, number replacements and so on.
The following general placeholders are available:
Type of number
Phone number
* replaces any number of characters to the right. In the case of a telephone number * can only be places at the end of the sequence.
Example: +4420*
indicates all numbers in London (country code 44, area code 20).
The placeholder * replaces any number of digits.
A general distinction is made between the following applications:
*Call Permissions and Routing
sip:{*}[a-Z, 0-9]@[a-Z, 0-9]{*}
indicates all URIs referencing the realm '' whose user IDs end with '.development'.
*number replacement
sip:[a-Z, 0-9]{*}@{*}[a-Z, 0-9]
sip:*@*.com stands for all URIs in English Realms. For further examples, please refer to Examples of general placeholders.
Phone number
Indicates the inter-location code for international calls.
Example: +49456555
In the United Kingdom, + is replaced with '00', i. e., ’0049456555’ is the number dialed.
Examples of general placeholders
* All SIP-URIs mapped to the ’’ realm.
*.jones@company.* Configured as call authorization or forwarding: All persons named Jones who, for example, have the realm ’’ or ’’
+44* All numbers within the United Kingdom (+44)
+49221* All numbers in Germany (+49) in Cologne (221)
+* All public numbers
* All numbers