help • 14 Data Storage • Trunk Recording
14.2 Trunk Recording
Conversations via Trunks can be recorded.
When saving and processing personal data, observe the appropriate applicable legal data protection regulations.
Ensure that all parties on the call are made aware at the beginning of the call that the call is being recorded in accordance with the requirements of the Telecommunications Act (TKG).
Recording without the express consent of all participants in the conversation is considered unauthorized and will be prosecuted under Section 201 (1) of the German Criminal Code (StGB).
If you have not enabled the options under Retention and Quotas, you may need to manually delete the files in the database to comply with applicable privacy regulations, see 4.12 Edit files.
Permanent Recording
If the Option Pack SwyxMonitor is installed, all calls on a trunk can be permanently recorded.
The desired trunk groups, must be activated for recording, see step (10) in To specify settings for trunk recordings.
Calls over SwyxLink trunks can only be recorded if they are locally administered on this server. Calls via an SIP gateway trunk (SwyxConnect) can not be recorded.
Internal calls, i.e. calls between two users logged in to the same SwyxServer, are not recorded.
No audio signal announces this permanent recording.
Recording initiated by the user
(Conversation recordings)
If additionally the option package SwyxRecord is licensed and installed, users can record any conversations or parts of conversations.
A user can record a conversation:
*If the Allow all users to start and stop recording option is enabled. (This affects all users who log in to SwyxServer ) See also step (5).
*If the Call recording function is activated in the user's function profile, see 9.17.3 Activating conversation recordings
Recording is independent of the terminal device used. The user must enter the DTMF sequence to start recording ,you have set, during the call to start a recording. If he then enters the DTMF sequence to end the recording during the call, the recording is ended. A beep will sound to announce the recording, and a second beep will sound to signal the end of the recording.
File name of a recording
The recordings are saved as OPUS file or WAV file. For UC Tenants on the SwyxON Portal only the OPUS format is available.
The name of a file is composed as follows:
1) <Direction of the conversation>#
outgoing call
incoming call
2) <Phone number of the recorder>#
The called internal number (IN) or the number from which this call was started (OUT)
3) <Name of the interlocutor>#
The name can only be given if the number has been assigned a name.
4) <Phone number of the call partner>#
Will be displayed if one exists. Please note that the public line access will also be saved.
5) <Date of call>#
Date in the format <yyyymmdd>
6) <Time of the call>
Start time of the call using the format <hhmmss>
Out#123#Schulz, Eva#0012345678#20200217#155844.wav
means that an outgoing call from the number "123" to Eva Schulz with the number "0012345678" was recorded on February 17, 2020 at 15:58:44.
Storage of the trunk recordings
While recording a trunk recording, the data is stored in a temporary file on the hard disk of the SwyxServer or the virtual machine. The data is then forwarded to the configured storage destination.
If there is no connection to the SQL data base or the capacity of the location is not sufficient for new data, the data will remain in the temporary file.
The space for temporary data is limited and is also used for other system processes. Data overflow can affect the functionality of the UC Tenant.
To avoid data loss, make sure that the configured storage location is accessible at all times and has sufficient capacity.
UC tenants (SwyxON) store trunk recordings in the Enreach S3 object storage. Per UC tenant, 5 GB is available by default as storage for trunk recordings.
For local SwyxWare installations (On Premises) a customer defined location for all data can be chosen, see Data Storage Location
A SwyxWare system administrator has the option to download the trunk recordings from the database, e.g. to archive desired recordings in a different location. See 4.17.1 Downloading trunk recordings and 4.12 Edit files.
You can configure the behavior when saving trunk recordings even more specifically.
Depending on your situation (new installation or upgrade), use one of the following options:
Effect on new installation
Effect with update
Configured destination
(Default setting for new installation)
Store trunk recordings in the configured location
The data is then forwarded to the configured storage location.
Working directory only
(Default setting for Updating)
Store trunk recordings only in the file directory configured by the customer
Continue to use file directory for trunk recordings.
Files cannot be managed via SwyxWare (e.g. retention and quotas).
Leave existing trunk recordings in the file directory. Store new recordings in the configured location.
The trunk recordings can be managed via SwyxWare. However, a copy remains in the file directory for recordings. There, the data protection measures (GDPR) must be taken manually.
To specify settings for trunk recordings
1 Select Data & Storage | Trunk Recordings.
*The general settings for storage of trunk recordings appear.
Working directory for recordings
(On Premises only)
If you want to place trunk recordings in a desired location in the file system, enter a path to the directory. A dummy [trunkname] can be used for relating the recordings to the different trunks.
The default setting uses the path:
All recordings are then saved locally among the application data of the user account under which SwyxServer is running.
To make the recordings accessible to various users, we recommend creating a share for which SwyxServer has write authorization. Access to the trunk recordings can be controlled via the corresponding read rights of the individual users.
Codec to be used for all Recordings
(On Premises only)
Select the codec to be used for the recordings. The following codecs are available: (OPUS is preset for UC Tenants and cannot be changed)
Open standard RFC 6716 (.opus)
Dynamically adjustable bit rate. Best audio quality / storage space ratio.
Microsoft Wave Audio G.711 (.wav)
Mono, compressed 64kBit/s
Microsoft Wave Audio GSM (.wav)
Mono, compressed 13kBit/s
Microsoft Wave Audio PCM (.wav)
not compressed
Recorded call parties
Select which side of a conversation to record.
These Setting applies both to permanent recording and for recording initiated by the user with DTMF digits.
The complete conversation is recorded.
Only the conversations of the user logged on to this SwyxServer are recorded.
Only the conversations of the interlocutor are recorded.
(On Premises only)
For a local (On Premises) SwyxWare installation, you can specify where the recorded trunk recordings are subsequently stored, see the section Storage of the trunk recordings
Configured destination
Default setting for a new installation and for all UC tenants on SwyxON
Working directory only
Default setting for an update of SwyxWare
Default setting for an update of
SwyxWare with activated trunk recordings
2 Click on Save.
3 Select Retention & Quotas.
If you have not enabled the options under Retention and Quotas, you may need to manually delete the files in the database to comply with applicable privacy regulations, see 4.12 Edit files.
Trunk recordings in the file directory are not managed by SwyxWare.
Activate retention settings
Select the check box if you want to limit the storage time for trunk recordings.
Retention (in days)
Number of days trunk recordings may be stored in the database before they are automatically deleted.
(Default setting 30)
Activating quota settings
Select the check box if you want to limit the storage space for trunk recordings.
Quota (in MB)
Set the storage quota to be reserved specifically for trunk recordings. (default setting 5000)
4 Click on Save.
5 Select User initiated recordings.
Allow all users to start and stop recording
Activate the checkbox if all users logged on to this SwyxServer are allowed to record calls, see Recording initiated by the user (Conversation recordings)
DTMF sequence to start recording
Enter a DTMF key sequence to be used by users to start recordings.
DTMF sequence to stop recording
Enter a DTMF key sequence to be used by users to stop recordings.
6 Click on Save.
7 Select Permanent recordings.
Enable permanent Trunk Recording
Activate the checkbox if calls are to be permanently recorded. Select an option:
Record all trunk calls
All calls are recorded.
Record all trunk calls from or to the following internal numbers
You can enter several internal numbers (separated by semicolons) or internal number ranges In the field, for which the calls should be recorded (both incoming and outgoing). You cannot use wildcards here!
Only a maximum of 255 characters (including the semicolon) are accepted.
8 Click on Save.
9 Select Trunk groups.
10 Mark the desired trunk groups with to enable permanent recording on the corresponding trunks.
11 Click on Save.