help • 9 Creating and editing Users • Setting the telephony settings
9.12 Setting the telephony settings
You can define the following telephony settings for Users:
*Call forwarding
*Call properties
*Desk Phones
*Client settings
To define the call forwarding settings for a User
1 In the menu, select User.
*For administrators, a list appears with all Users.
2 As administrator, click on in the line of the appropriate user.
3 Click on on the right next to the User name.
4 Click on the sub-menu item Call Forwarding that additionally appears.
If you have permitted "Change forwardings" for a User, the User can change the settings you have defined here via SwyxIt! Classic.
When a user is logged out, the default setting is immediate redirection to the default Voice Box.
Forward all calls immediately
Activate the checkbox if you want all calls for the User to be immediately forwarded to the destination defined below.
Forward call to (number)
Enter the corresponding phone number or click on Select to select a phone number from the phone book.
Voice Box
All calls will be forwarded to the Standard Voice Box, see also step 12 Click on Standard remote inquiry.
5 Click on Save.
6 Click Delayed.
Forward calls after a defined time if line is idle/User is away (Call forwarding no reply)
Activate the checkbox if you want all calls for the User to be forwarded to the destination defined below after x seconds (e.g. during absence).
Forward call to (number)
Enter the appropriate phone number or click on Select to select the number from the phonebook.
Voice Box
All calls will be forwarded to the Standard Voice Box, see also step 12 Click on Standard remote inquiry.
After (seconds)
Enter the number of seconds after which the call will be forwarded.
7 Click on Save.
8 Click on Busy.
Forward calls if the line is busy
Activate the checkbox if you want all calls for this User to be immediately forwarded to the destination stipulated below if the User’s line is busy.
Forward call to (number)
Enter the appropriate phone number or click on Select to select the number from the phonebook.
Voice Box
All calls will be forwarded to the Standard Voice Box, see also step 12 Click on Standard remote inquiry.
9 Click on Save.
10 Click on Voice Box.
Welcome message
Activate the checkbox to activate the welcome message settings.
Select a welcome message from the dropdown list or click on to upload a .wav file.
Record voice message
Check the box to enable recording of voice messages for the user.
The date format of the Voice Box depends on the language setting in the Windows operating system, i.e. a computer with the language English (United States) will also provide the American date format (mm/dd/yy) for the Voice messages.
Maximum voice message length in seconds (3-600)
Enter the maximum recording time for voice messages.
Send voice messages to the following email address
Enter the email address to which voice messages are to be sent to the User.
Starting Remote Inquiry via * button
Activate the checkbox to permit the User to start a remote inquiry for his standard Voice Box with the * key.
11 Click on Save.
12 Click on Standard remote inquiry.
Remote inquiry enables you both to listen to your voice messages and to change immediate call forwarding from any telephone.
If you have permitted "Change forwardings" for a User, the User can change the settings you have defined here via SwyxIt! Classic.
Use PIN for remote query
Activate the checkbox to protect the remote inquiry by a PIN.
Enter a PIN with which the User can authenticate him or herself for remote inquiry.
Confirm PIN
Enter the PIN again to confirm your entry.
13 Click on Save.
To set the call settings for a User
1 In the menu, select User.
*For administrators, a list appears with all Users.
2 As administrator, click on in the line of the appropriate user.
3 Click on on the right next to the User name.
4 Click on the submenu item Call settings.
Hide number/URI
Activate the checkbox if you want the User’s number not to be displayed to the contact person when making external calls.
Disable secondary call
Activate the checkbox if no further calls should be accepted if a line is busy.
Transfer on hook on
Activate the checkbox to permit the User to connect two call partners when hanging up.
Subscriber A is called by C. Then subscriber A begins a second call on another line to subscriber B. When A hangs up, B and C are connected with each other.
To edit the numbers for a User
1 In the menu, select User.
*For administrators, a list appears with all Users.
2 As administrator, click on in the line of the appropriate user.
3 Click on on the right next to the User name.
4 Click on the sub-menu item Numbers that additionally appears.
5 Click on Add number.
*The Add number configuration wizard appears.
See also step 5 Define the numbers.
To define alternative numbers for a User
1 In the menu, select User.
*For administrators, a list appears with all Users.
2 As administrator, click on in the line of the appropriate user.
3 Click on on the right next to the User name.
4 Click on the sub-menu item Numbers that additionally appears.
5 Click on Add alternative number.
6 Click on Add alternative number.
*The Select alternative number configuration wizard appears.
7 Activate the checkbox in the line of the appropriate number and click on Select.
*The alternative number appears in the list and can be used for outgoing calls.
To define fax numbers for a User
1 In the menu, select User.
*For administrators, a list appears with all Users.
2 As administrator, click on in the line of the appropriate user.
3 Click on on the right next to the User name.
4 Click on the sub-menu item Numbers that additionally appears.
5 Click on SwyxFaxNumbers.
*The Add number configuration wizard appears.
Internal number
Enter a fax number under which the User is available site internally.
May be preset by default: Next free number
e.g. 102
Public number
Enter a fax number under which the User is available publicly, if applicable.
Allowed format: canonical (+<country code><area code><number>)
e.g. +49 231 1234102
6 Click on Save.
*The numbers appear in the list.
To define fax forwarding settings for a User
1 In the menu, select User.
*For administrators, a list appears with all Users.
2 As administrator, click on in the line of the appropriate user.
3 Click on on the right next to the User name.
4 Click on the sub-menu item Numbers that additionally appears.
5 Click on Fax forwarding.
Forward faxes to the User’s fax client
Activate the checkbox if incoming fax documents should be forwarded to the User’s SwyxFax client.
Add email
Click on the button to add an email address to which the User’s incoming faxes will be sent.
E-mail address
Enter the e-mail address of the user.
Attachment format
Select the format for fax documents.
If "TIFF and PDF" is selected, the e-mail will include two attachments.
Click on Add.
Add printer
Click on the button to select the printer to be used to print incoming fax documents. Forwarding to a printer takes place via the SwyxFax Printer Gateway.
Select the printer.
Enter the name of the gateway via which the fax documents are forwarded to the printer.
Click on Add.
6 Click on Save.
To define the CTI+ settings for a User
1 In the menu, select User.
*For administrators, a list appears with all Users.
2 As administrator, click on in the line of the appropriate user.
3 Click on the sub-menu item Numbers that additionally appears.
4 Click on CTI+.
Using an external telephone via this number
Enter a number or click on , to select one of the User’s numbers.
Forward the caller to this number, also if SwyxIt! Classic is terminated" or CTI deactivated
Activate the checkbox if incoming calls should be forwarded to the external telephone, also if the User’s computer is switched off or CTI is deactivated.
5 Click on Save.