help • 15 Numbers and Number Mappings • Number Types • External numbers
15.1.2 External numbers
A user's external number defines the number on which he can be reached from an external phone. This external number must come from the public number range, which is supplied by the relevant telephone service provider. This number range must have been assigned to the SwyxServer through the number configuration of its associated trunks.
These are usually number ranges which are supplied via the SwyxServer's analog or ISDN connection to the public telephone network by the relevant service provider (e.g. Deutsche Telekom, Arcor, etc), but also by a VoIP telephony provider. It is often a contiguous number range, such as from +44 20 1234 100 to +44 20 1234 199, which differs only in the last part of the number.
Each of the numbers from this range can be assigned to exactly one user, so that he can be called on the assigned number by external subscribers.
You can also assign an external number to a user that contains less or more digits than the defined numbers range. In this case, overlaps during the call transfer may occur.
If two users have been assigned the external numbers +44 4777 28 and +44 4777 288 for example, any external calls for one of the two users are only signalized to the first user. Any longer number will not be decoded by the system, as soon as a dialed number corresponds to an assigned number.
Several external numbers for one user
It is also possible here to assign more than one external number to a user (15.3 Mapping of numbers). Especially in installations with networked SwyxWare locations, this opens up the possibility of assigning a user external numbers at different locations, via which external calls can reach him.
Thus, a user working at a SwyxWare location in Germany can have, in addition to his external number at the German location, a further external number at an interconnected SwyxWare location in England. If a call comes in on this English number, this call is forwarded to the relevant user on the connected SwyxWare in Germany. For an outgoing call from the user to an external subscriber in England, the call can be forwarded via the SwyxWare installation in England into their connected public telephone network to the subscriber concerned, so that the user's external English number is signaled to the called subscriber in England. Such a configuration allows a company (in addition to saving money by using the corresponding local gateways in the interconnected SwyxWare locations) to create a much better outward impression thanks to the "local presence" of staff at different locations.
If a user should only be called internally, i.e. within the SwyxWare installation, there is no need to assign him an external number. In this case the user can only be directly reached on his internal number by other users within the SwyxWare installation (including other networked locations); he cannot be reached from the public telephone network or the Internet.
Format of the external numbers
In general, external numbers are always given in the canonical format:
+<country code><area code><number>
Example: +44 20 4777100
These are public numbers (numbers on the ISDN or analog connection). SIP providers also offer public numbers, which need to be mapped to a country or a location.