help • 15 Numbers and Number Mappings • Mapping of numbers
15.3 Mapping of numbers
The number mapping establishes the logical link between internal numbers (and thus users) and external numbers. This ensures that a call coming in from outside and directed to the external number of a user will be mapped to the user's internal number and will thereby reach the user.
An internal number can be mapped to users or groups as soon as these are created. Mapping to public numbers can also be configured directly (9.3 Creating Users or for groups ).
In general an internal number can be mapped to more than one external number, so that the user can be reached on several external numbers (see example under 15.1.2 External numbers).
If several internal numbers are defined for one user, each of these internal numbers can also be mapped to different external numbers.
If the user defines line properties on his SwyxPhone or SwyxIt! Classic, he has the opportunity to configure the lines with the different internal/external numbers. This enables him to signal different external numbers to the caller by the choice of line for outgoing calls.
All mappings between internal and external numbers are listed in administration in the directory "Number Mappings". Administrators can use this list to see immediately the mappings between internal numbers and public numbers, the user or group to which these numbers belong and the trunk to which these numbers have been mapped.
One or a number of public numbers or SIP-URIs can be mapped to each internal number. In this context, it does not matter how many digits the internal number contains.
A public range of extension numbers 000-499 has been assigned to you.
For example, you can issue four-digit internal numbers from 0000-9999. However, a maximum of 500 numbers can be reached directly from the outside.
A warning occurs, when the dialed number is longer or shorter than a number of the numbers range defined in the trunk. If, for example, the numbers range is +441234777 000-999 and you assign the number +44123477755 to a user.
How to create a new number mapping
1 Open the SwyxWare Administration and choose the SwyxServer.
2 In the context menu for the "Number Mappings" directory, select "Add Number Mapping..." or "Add Range for Number Mapping".
3 The wizard for "Add Internal Number" or "Map Numbers Range" will appear.
4 Internal number:
Enter a new internal number or a numbers range.
Select "Next Unused..." to have the system assign a new number automatically. Select "Check" to ascertain whether the number entered has already been assigned.
Activate the "Show in Phonebook" option if you want the numbers mapped here to appear in the global phonebook.
Click on "Next>".
5 Map the internal number to a public number:
Enter the public number or the first number in a range in canonical format, which is to be mapped to this internal number.
Click "Select" to access a list of currently configured trunks and mapped numbers ranges/URIs.
To map a number from a range of numbers, highlight the corresponding entry and enter the number directly in the "Mapped public number" field.
If you do not wish to assign a public number, select "None" from the list.
Please note that the number cannot be dialed directly from outside (it can only be accessed via an internal connection).
Then click on "OK".
6 Select the assigned user
Select a user from the list to whom the new internal number or range, as well as the mapping you have just configured, is to be assigned.
Click "Finish".
7 The new number is mapped to the selected user.
How to edit a number mapping
1 Open the SwyxWare Administration and choose the SwyxServer.
2 In the left side of the SwyxWare administration window, open the directory "Number Mapping". You can now edit an existing mapping. Highlight the mapping and select "Edit..." from the context menu.
The following window appears: "Edit number mapping".
3 You can edit the internal number for a user or the mapping to a public number.
Click "Finish". The new number mapping is set up for the user.