Type of number
Phone number
* replaces any number of characters to the right. In the case of a telephone number * can only be places at the end of the sequence.
Example: +4420*
indicates all numbers in London (country code 44, area code 20).
The placeholder * replaces any number of digits.
A general distinction is made between the following applications:
sip:{*}[a-Z, 0-9]@[a-Z, 0-9]{*}
indicates all URIs referencing the realm '' whose user IDs end with '.development'.
sip:[a-Z, 0-9]{*}@{*}[a-Z, 0-9]
sip:*@*.com stands for all URIs in English Realms. For further examples, please refer to Examples of general placeholders.
Phone number
Indicates the inter-location code for international calls.
Example: +49456555
In the United Kingdom, + is replaced with '00', i. e., ’0049456555’ is the number dialed.