help • 15 Numbers and Number Mappings • Placeholder • Special placeholders
15.5.2 Special placeholders
In connection with the call authorizations, and the call number substitution, see8.7 Forwarding and number substitution, further special placeholders are available. These placeholders are replaced with the location parameters of the user or trunk. It is thus possible e.g. to create a call permission that can be used independently of the location.
If you want to create a call permission that basically allows local calls via all trunk groups, but only for a specific public line access (in this case '8'), you configure the following parameters:
Allow call +[CC][AC]*
Trunk group "All"
Public line access 8 (private)
You can then use this call permission independently of the trunk group's location. In each case, the codes which were defined for the trunk group's location are used.