help • 14 Data Storage • Call Detail Records (CDR)
14.4 Call Detail Records (CDR)
SwyxWare allows you to record information concerning connected calls, so-called "Call Detail Records", in a text file.
See also 14 Call Detail Records (CDR)
When saving and processing personal data, observe the appropriate applicable legal data protection regulations.
To set the settings for the CDRs
Call Detail Records can only be exported or deleted if "Internal database" has been selected as the storage location. Please observe the appropriate applicable legal regulations. Please observe this in particular if you select the database as the memory Location.
1 Select Data & Storage | Call Detail Records | Configuration.
*The general settings for saving of call detail records appear.
Activate CDR
Recording is preset as deactivated.
Select the check box if you want to record call details (CDR) in the form of a text file.
Specify the format in which external phone numbers are stored in the file:
Store complete number
The entire external number is saved in the Call Detail Records.
Hide digits
You have the option of only storing external numbers in part by replacing some of the digits with 'X'. In the field Number of digits how many digits (from the end) are to be replaced.
Hide complete number
The entire external number is replaced with 'XXX'. In this case you will not be able to see anymore whether the call was, e.g. an international or a local call.
Storage Destination
(On Premises only)
Select the storage location for CDR.
Store to file
Enter the file and the directory where SwyxServer will save the Call Detail Records.
You can restrict recording either according to file size or in terms of time. If the maximum file size or number of days is exceeded, a new file with the same name plus a counter will be created and filled. The existing files are only deleted if you select time restriction.
External database (not for SwyxON)
Call Detail Records are stored in an external database. Enter the database connection string. Via Test Connection you can check the connection to the database.
According to data protection regulations, the deletion of CDR in this database should be executed manually. See also (you may need to be logged in to view the content).
Internal database
Call Detail Records are stored in the SwyxWare database. Under Delete after (days) you define after how many days CDR are deleted automatically.
2 Click on Save.
3 Select Retention & Quotas.
Delete after (days)
When the specified number of days is exceeded, a new file with the same name and an attached counter is created and filled. The existing files are only deleted if you select time restriction.
4 Click on Save.
5 Select Export.
<Year, month>
Select the month for which you want to export and download the call detail records.
Click the button to save the corresponding file.
The text file is stored under the name "calldetailrecords<yyyy>.<mm>.txt" in the downloads directory of your browser., e.g. "C:\Users\<Username>\Downloads".
6 Click on Save.
7 Select Delete.
<Year, month>
Select the month for which you want to delete Call Detail Records.
Click on the button to delete the call detail records of the selected period.