help • 8 Trunks  • Create trunks
8.3 Create trunks
A trunk must be assigned to a trunk group. To be able to create a trunk of the required type (SIP, SIP gateway, etc.), a trunk group of the corresponding type must have been created first, see 8 Create trunk groups
To create a trunk
1 In the menu, select Connections | Trunks.
2 A list appears with all Trunks.
3 Click on Create trunk.
*The configuration wizard appears Create Trunk or Create SwyxLink.
4 Set the general settings for the trunk.
Enter a name.
The name must be unambiguous within SwyxWare.
Enter a description, if applicable.
Trunk Group
Select a trunk group of the required type to which the trunk is to be assigned:
The trunk assigned to this trunk group gets the property from the corresponding type.
If no matching trunk group or SwyxLink group exists yet, click on Create Trunk Group or Create SwyxLink group.
SIP Trunk
SIP trunks enable the use of VoIP services. The service provider usually assigns a number range or SIP URIs. If the service provider in question also offers gateway services, it is also possible to reach numbers in the public telephone network via a SIP trunk and the provider's gateway behind it.
SIP Gateway Trunk
SIP gateway trunks are used for activating gateways which are themselves reached by SwyxServer via an SIP connection. This allows, for example, telephones in small branches and branch offices to be operated with a local gateway in each case and with a local direct connection to the public telephone network.
Only gateways for which profiles are included in the delivery are supported at present.
ENUM Trunk
An ENUM link enables you to make SIP calls with ENUM number resolution via the Internet.
A user of a SIP phone is thus able to investigate the SIP address automatically using only the telephone number of the called party, and to convert the number into the SIP address. The called party can then be reached over the IP network in spite of using a 'normal' phone number. This postulate that the called party is registered at ENUM.
Trunk (Server-server coupling)
SwyxServer at different locations are connected to each other via a SwyxLink trunk over an IP route. The SwyxLinkManager takes over the control of the connection. Within the configuration of a SwyxLink trunk, the connection to other sites can be SwyxWare Sites can be defined so that status information (logged off, available, currently speaking) can also be exchanged between users who are logged on to different servers. See also 4.14 Intersite connections
5 Click on Next.
6 If necessary, set the SwyxLink trunk (SwyxLink type only).
Locally managed SwyxLink Trunk
Each cross-site connection is managed by exactly one SwyxLinkManager.
If you want to manage the SwyxLink on this side of the connection, choose Locally managed SwyxLink trunk. This SwyxLink must then be set up "remotely managed" on the other side.
Remotely managed SwyxLink Trunk
7 Click on Next.
8 If necessary set the Remote SwyxServer (SwyxLink type only).
Remote server
Enter the name (FQDN) or IP address of the SwyxServer for which this SwyxLink trunk is to be set up.
Ensure that there is a transparent TCP/IP connection between the server on which the LinkManager service is running (local SwyxLink) and all clients on the remote side and the SwyxServer.
Remote standby server
If a standby scenario is used on the other side, enter the name of the standby server as well.
Test Link
Click on the button to test the connection to the remote SwyxServer.
9 Click on Next.
10 If necessary, set the SIP account data (SIP gateway type only).
Enter the SIP account data here with which the SIP gateway should log on to SwyxServer via this trunk.
This logon data must be entered in the same format as when was configured.
SIP User ID is the user ID that together with the realm forms the SIP address (URI).
Authentication method
Select whether the gateway should authenticate itself.
User name
The user name and password are required for user authentication.
Repeat password
11 Click on Next.
12 If necessary, set the SIP trunk provider / user data (SIP type only).
SIP provider
SIP Provider Profile. This property is inherited from the assigned trunk group.
Enter the user data you obtained from your SIP provider:
SIP User ID is the user ID that together with the realm forms the SIP address (URI).
SIP user name
The user name and password are required for user authentication.
Repeat password
13 Click on Next.
14 Define the numbers.
Enter the public numbers (or range of numbers) to be used by this trunk.
External calls to these numbers go over this trunk. Calls with a calling party number assigned to this trunk are routed via this trunk.
If you get several individual phone numbers or several phone number ranges set up by your provider, specify only one range and add the others later, see 8.4 Edit trunks
Country and area codes are specified by the location of the trunk group.
To ensure the unambiguity of the information, you must enter the complete phone number from SwyxWare V.13.20 onwards. In the new "Subscriber number" input field, enter the part of the phone number that follows the area code and precedes the extension (internal phone number).
Country code
Area code
Subscriber number
First extension
Last extension
The existing phone number entries are automatically extended by the new "Subscriber number" input field when updating to v. 13.20. Make sure that the automatic allocation is correct and adjust the corresponding entries manually if required.
Country code
If necessary, enter the country code.
example:’44' for Germany
Area code
If necessary, enter the area code.
z. E. g. 30 (for Berlin)
Subscriber number
Enter the part of the phone number that follows the area code and precedes the extension (internal phone number).
First extension
Enter the first extension (internal phone number) of the phone number range.
Last extension
Enter the Last extension extension (internal phone number) of the phone number range.
15 Click on Next.
16 Set the SIP URIs if necessary (SIP and ENUM type only).
If necessary, enter the SIP addresses (URIs) that this trunk should manage. A SIP has the following format:
For simplification, you can use '*' as a placeholder here,
E.g. '*' represents all users with the realm ''.
The realm is already specified by the selection of the trunk group, but can be overwritten.
17 Click on Next.
18 Set Codecs set.
Codec priority and filter
Select the type of compression to be used on this trunk:
Prefer quality
The codecs are provided in the order G.722, G.711a, G.711µ, G.729, Fax over IP.
Prefer low bandwidth
The codecs are provided in the order G.729, G.722, G.711a, G.711µ, Fax over IP. It is important to use as little bandwidth as possible.
You can disable unwanted codecs:
G.711µ (around 64 kbit/s per call)
Voice, high bandwidth (G.711a, G.711µ)
The voice data is slightly compressed. This keeps the packet delay time in the LAN (Local Area Network) to a minimum.
G.711a (around 64 kbit/s per call)
G.722 (around 84 kbit/s per call)
Voice, highest bandwidth (G.722)
HD quality
G.729 (around 24 kbit/s per call)
Voice, low bandwidth.
High compression.
Fax over IP (T.38, around 20 kbit/s per call)
The special fax protocol T.38 takes into account the conditions of an IP network.
19 Click on Next.
20 Set Number of channels set.
Number of channels
If necessary, enter how many calls may be made simultaneously via this trunk.
Basically, the maximum number of channels depends on the available bandwidth, as well as the codec setting, i.e. the bandwidth per call.
Using a SIP Trunk, the provider will define how many connections at the same time will be possible.
21 Click on Next.
22 Select if necessary Connection type for Intersite Presence (SwyxLink type only).
No status information
Specify whether status information ("Logged out", "Away", "Do not disturb", "Currently speaking", etc.) should be exchanged between users of different SwyxServer. Furthermore, users are shown in the Global Phonebook of the connected servers.
Select this option if you do not want user status information to be published via this link.
Remote SwyxServer in the same organization
Choose this option if the remote SwyxServer is in the same organization as the SwyxServer you are presently administering.
With this connection type, all groups and users on all connected sites are visible in the Global Phonebook. The relationships within the user and group properties must be used to specify precisely who should be signaled about the status of a user or group.
Remote SwyxServer from another organization
Select this option if the remoteSwyxWare is located in a different organization than the SwyxServer you are administering.
With this type of connection you can define individual groups of your SwyxServer which should be visible on SwyxServer of the other organization. The relationships within the user and group properties must be used to specify precisely who should be signaled about the status of the users of a group. The administrator of the other server can do this accordingly in the opposite direction, so that groups of his SwyxServer become visible on your side. Status signaling thus occurs only between users in selected groups. The users in these groups will also be displayed on both sites in the Global Phonebook.
23 Click on Next.
24 Select if necessary Settings for Intersite Presence (SwyxLink type only).
By configuring the intersite connections within the SwyxLink trunk, the status signaling between the different sites is not automatically activated SwyxWare-Sites is not automatically activated. You then have to configure the relationship of the users/groups, to specify precisely who should be signaled about the status of another user or group. For how to configure the relationships between users and groups, see 9.8 Defining call and status signaling
Internal numbers only
Activate this option to display only the internal phone number of the users in the Global Phonebook on both pages.
Public numbers only
Enable this option to display only the public phone number of the users in the Global Phonebook on both pages.
Internal and public call numbers
Enable this option to display only the public phone number of the users in the Global Phonebook on both pages.
Data synchronization
*User pictures
Specify whether the user images stored by the user should also be synchronized between the different servers. To save bandwidth, you can deactivate this option.
The trunk should be used for the transmission of:
*SwyxIt! Meeting
*Status information or
*Instant Messaging
If you do not allow calls, the Video, Collaboration and SwyxIt! meeting features are automatically disabled. If you deactivate the status information button, you are not able to choose Instant Messaging
25 Set Computer name set.
Computer name
Apply the default computer name.
SwyxLink type: Enter the name of the computer where the SwyxLinkManager is managed. Use the name of the computer as it appears in the computer properties.
26 Click on Create.
*The trunk is created and appears in the list of trunks.
You can define further settings for the trunk, see Edit trunks