Connection of Mobile Phones SwyxIt! Mobile 2013 Scenario with examples of Incoming and Outgoing Calls SwyxIt! Mobile 2013 scenario for outgoing calls
SwyxIt! Mobile 2013 scenario for outgoing calls
Via SwyxIt! Mobile on his mobile phone, user A dials the destination number of user B (e.g. +49 231 4777 108). The destination number can be a public phone number as well as an internal number of another SwyxWare user. To connect to SwyxServer, SwyxIt! Mobile first - invisibly for user A - dials the public phone number of the MobileExtensionManager on SwyxServer. While the call arrives at the MobileExtensionManager, the script is called to identify the mobile phone user by his transmitted number or if necessary by requesting his mobile ID. (see chapter Script for Identification and Authentication)
With this information (identified user and destination number) the connection to user B is set up. User B is signaled only the office number of user A, the mobile number remains hidden.
Fig. 22-2: Example for Outgoing Call
The call is ended when the user presses End call on his mobile. The MobileExtensionManager then closes the connection.
If user A has SwyxIt! Mobilenot installed on his mobile phone, he has to call the MobileExtensionManager manually first. If the mobile phone cannot be identified by his number, the script first queries the destination number. When user A has input the destination number (in this case +49 231 4777 105) and ended the input with #, the script asks for the mobile ID. User A has to input this manually too. If it is correct, he is connected. (see also chapter Function Codes on the MobileExtensionManager).