7.11 Uninstalling
SwyxWare is uninstalled via the Control Panel.
Deinstallation must be implemented by the SwyxWare service provider in SwyxON.
To uninstall SwyxWare
1 If the Active Directory extension is installed, remove this before uninstalling with the help of the program IpPbxAdExtConfig in the SwyxWare program directory.
2 Open the Windows Control Panel (Start | Settings | Control Panel).
3 Double-click on "Software".
4 Select the option "SwyxWare" found under "Change or Remove Program".
5 Click on "Remove".
6 Confirm the message asking whether you really want to uninstall SwyxWare with "Yes".
The uninstall process will be carried out automatically.
7 Click on "Close" to close the window.
When uninstalling, files that were used in conjunction with SwyxWare but weren't copied to the server during installation will not be removed.
The database holding the SwyxServer user and configuration data is not deleted, regardless of whether this is installed on the same computer or on another computer. If necessary, it should be deleted manually.
8 Delete database:

In an environment with SwyxWare for DataCenter, you uninstall the database as for the installation according to the information from Microsoft.

To delete the database of a SwyxWare, uninstall the Microsoft Data Engine and then delete the files
in the directory C:\Programs\Microsoft SQL Server\data. C:\Programs\Microsoft SQL Server is the MSDE installation directory.
Once you have uninstalled the Microsoft Data Engine, you must restart your computer before you can reinstall MSDE and SwyxWare.