4.4 Ending a call
You have been speaking to a caller and now you would like to end the call.
To end a call
1 To disconnect the call,
*Simply put the SwyxIt! Handset on hook.
*click on the handset button on the SwyxIt! interface (this will end the call; the line will retain the state of “Off Hook")
*click with the right mouse button on the Line Button and then on Disconnect Call in the context menu which appears.
If you end a call and a second call on hold is still active, a warning sound is played after 5 seconds. Pick up the handset once again in order to directly connect to the caller on hold.
If the Enable Transfer on ‘Hook on‘” option is enabled in SwyxIt!, both call partners are connected with each other if you hang up your receiver. If more than one call is on hold, however, your call partners are not connected when you hang up. Instead, all calls are placed on hold and a warning sound is played after 5 seconds. By picking up your receiver, you are directly connected to the last active call.
See also 10.2.1 General.