help • 16 VisualContacts and DATEV • Searching for contacts
16.4 Searching for contacts
You can search by addresses, names and phone numbers. The search can also be performed during the phone call.
Only a limited number of search results can be displayed. Narrow your search, if the contact you are looking for has not been listed.
To search for contacts
1 Enter the search item into the "Search contacts" field on the “VisualContacts” tab.
2 Click on the Search button.
The search results are displayed in the Contacts list:
3 Click on the arrow to the right of the relevant entry, to call up all the information stored in this contact (names, addresses, numbers, images, customer-specific information, etc.):
If the search term is not found in any contact data source, a message appears: "The search "Search_term" did not match any contacts":
Try a different search term.
Please see the ESTOS MetaDirectory or C4B XPhone Connect Directory documentation for details relating to search criteria.