help • 13 Chat • Chat Rooms
13.2 Chat Rooms
In a room, you exchange messages with several participants.
To create a room
1 Tap .
2 Tap .
*The list with all contacts opens.
3 Select the contacts you want to start a chat with.
4 Tap Next.
5 Enter a name for the chat room under Name your room.
6 Tap Add Members, if applicable, if you want to return to step 3.
7 Tap Done.
*The room is created.
8 Enter your message in the Message field. You can share a photo, video or a file by tapping the +. See also chapter 13 To share photos and videos within a chat .
9 Tap .
*The participants in the room receive the message.
To resume a chat in a room
1 Tap .
*The list of contacts with whom you have already communicated via chat opens.
2 Tap the desired room to resume the chat conversation.
3 Enter your message in the Message field.
4 Tap .
*The participants in the room receive the message.
To change the name of a room
1 Tap .
*The list of contacts with whom you have already communicated via chat opens.
2 Tap the room you want to change.
3 Tap on the profile picture.
4 Tap Edit.
*You can change the name of the room.
5 Tap Done.
*The changes are saved.
You can only change the name of a room if you are the owner of the room.
To add more members to a room
1 Tap .
*The list of contacts with whom you have already communicated via chat opens.
2 Tap the room you want to add a member to.
3 Tap on the profile picture.
4 Tap View Members.
5 Tap Edit.
*The contact list opens.
6 Type the name of the member you want to add in the search field or scroll through the list.
7 Select the member(s) you want to add to the room.
8 Tap Done.
*The selected members are added and the room is opened.
You can only add members to a room if you are the owner of the room.
To remove members from a room
1 Tap .
*The list of contacts with whom you have already communicated via chat opens.
2 Tap the desired room from which you want to remove a member.
3 Tap on the profile picture.
4 Tap View Members.
5 Swipe your finger from right to left in the line of the member you want to remove.
6 Tap Remove.
7 Confirm your selection by tapping Remove Member.
*The member is removed from the room.
You can only remove a member from a room if you are the owner of the room.
To leave a room
1 Tap .
2 Swipe your finger from right to left in the line of the room you want to leave.
3 Tap Leave.
You can’t leave a room if you are the administrator of the room. To leave a room as the Owner, you must delete the room, see To delete a room.
When you leave a room, all messages are deleted for you and you can no longer access them.
To delete a room
1 Tap .
*The list of contacts with whom you have already communicated via chat opens.
2 Tap the room you want to delete.
3 Swipe your finger from right to left in the line of the room you want to leave.
4 Tap on Delete.
5 Confirm your selection by tapping OK.
*The Room will be deleted.
You can only delete a room if you are the owner of the room. As a member, you leave the room and must be added again by the owner of the room.