help • 2 Logging in and logging out • Reset password
2.1 Reset password
Your password can be reset by the administrator, see Reset user passwords (password reset service).
Your password is deleted. Login at SwyxWare is no longer possible. Your current login session will expire within an hour.
You will receive an email from Enreach with the password reset link to the Swyx Control Center dialog. Access the link and proceed to To reset your password.
You can only reset your password if an email address has been configured for you in Swyx Control Center.
You can change your password
*on the login page, click on Password Recovery.
*after a failed login attempt in SwyxIt! Classic login dialog. Click Forgot password.
To reset your password
You have followed the link to reset the user password.
*The corresponding web page in Swyx Control Center opens:
1 Click on "Reset password".
2 Enter your new password in the New password field and confirm the entry in the Repeat new password field, see section 2.2 Minimum requirements for passwords.
It is not possible to use the current password again when changing a password. It is not possible to reuse the three previous passwords if Force complex user passwords and password history is enabled for the user.
You can change your complex password anytime you are logged on to the system, see section Title bar.