The Basics Functional range of a SwyxWare for Data Center
Functional range of a SwyxWare for Data Center
In a SwyxWare for Data Center, many options of SwyxWare are directly available in principle.
Exceptions are the Standby option, as this is performed directly via the provider's data backup systems.
The "Conference" functionality is implemented in SwyxWare for Data Center as SwyxAdHocConference, and denotes the possibility for individual users to initiate conferences.
The options offered by the various option packs are reflected in the feature profiles, which are assigned to the individual users (see chapter Feature Profile). If you use another option, e.g. the Graphical Script Editor, a different feature profile (e.g. "Advanced") is assigned to the user. This profile contains the relevant feature and makes it available to the user (see The “Properties…” Dialog: "Rights" Tab).
Reporting daily records the feature profiles used and the number of users to whom this profile is assigned, along with the number of installed voice and fax channels and the conference rooms that have been set up. The cumulative data is sent monthly from the licensing server both to Swyx and to the provider.
In contrast to SwyxWare (licensing per logged-on user), for SwyxWare for Data Center the allocated option licenses are recorded per configured user, regardless of whether this user is logged on or not.For further information please refer to Tab "Usage Reports“".