4.10 Making use of Extended Status Information (Rich Presence)
You can use Extended Status Information to give your call partners precise information about your availability. If your call partner uses Extended Status Information, you will also see his availability, on the Speed Dial assigned to him.
When saving and processing personal data, observe the respective applicable legal data protection regulations. If you have any questions especially regarding data protection in SwyxWare, please contact your administrator.
To set your status to “Available"
1 Click on your profile picture.
A pop-up window opens where you can configure the status settings.
2 Select the status Reachable in the Presence status drop-down menu,.
The status is displayed on your profile picture and appears on the speed dial set for you by your call partner. In addition, the status is also displayed in the Global Phonebook.
To set your status to “Away"
1 Click on your profile picture.
A pop-up window opens where you can configure the status settings.
2 Select the status Away in the Presence status drop-down menu,.
The status is displayed on your profile picture and appears on the speed dial set for you by your call partner. In addition, the status is also displayed in the Global Phonebook.
The status
Away can also be assigned automatically. Specify the preconditions for this to happen within the Local Settings. See also
"Local Settings” tab.
When logging on to SwyxIt! or restarting SwyxIt!, you are asked, if you would like to set your status back to Available or keep your Away status.
If you use more than one SwyxIt!, e.g. on your computer and on your laptop and you set the status manually to “Away” in one SwyxIt!, then the status is shown on the call partner's Speed Dial as “Away". If SwyxIt! switches automatically to “Away” - according to its configuration - then the status “Away” only appears on the Speed Dial if all clients have switched automatically to "Away".
To set your status to “Do Not Disturb"
1 Click on your profile picture.
A pop-up window opens where you can configure the status settings.
2 Select the status Do Not Disturb in the Presence status drop-down menu.
The status is displayed on your profile picture and appears on the speed dial set for you by your call partner. In addition, the status is also displayed in the Global Phonebook.
Once you have selected the status Do Not Disturb, incoming calls are not put through. The line is signalled as “Busy” to the caller and calls are displayed as missed in the call journal.
When logging on to SwyxIt! or restarting SwyxIt!, you are asked, if you would like to set your status back to Available or keep your Do not disturb status.
If you set the status to Do Not Disturb while it is ringing, the ringing then falls silent. The call is then signaled only by the animation of the line, or an information balloon.
To enter status text
1 Click on your profile picture.
A pop-up window opens where you can configure the status settings.
2 Enter the desired text under Status text. You can enter up to 252 characters.
3 Click on Save.
The status text is saved.
The input status text is always displayed. The display of the text is thus independent of the selected status. In other words, even if you shut down your computer, and are then not indicated on the Speed Dial as logged on, the entered text still appears on the contact card. This option lets you store more details, about your leave times for example (e.g. “Holiday from 01. - 09.10"). While you are absent, your call partner can then see from your Speed Dial how long you are away, and when he will be able to reach you again.
To specify your own user picture
1 Click on your current profile picture.
A pop-up window opens where you can configure the status settings.
2 Click on the profile picture.
Change user picture pop-up window opens.
4 Select an image from your file system.
5 Click on Save.
The image is saved and is visible to your contacts on your profile.
1 Right-click on the title bar of the call control window.
A context menu will open.
2 In the Settings menu, select the option Rich Presence | Set Own Picture.
Se Own Picture window opens.
3 Select the picture of your choice in the dropdown list.
The selected picture will be displayed for your call partner on the Speed Dial, provided you have chosen automatic user picture display.
You can choose between
a standard picture from the SwyxWare database. These pictures are in the dropdown list and are marked (template). They were stored by your administrator.
a picture that you choose from your file system. Pictures recently chosen from your file system will then also appear in the dropdown list.
no picture, if you don't want to display any. In this case a standard image with a gray portrait will be displayed on the Speed Dial.