PreProcessing and PostProcessing
There are system-wide rules for call handling before a user or his Call Routing receives the call (PreProcessing) and for the subsequent call handling (PostProcessing). After SwyxWare is installed, this pre-defined call handling is the same for all users. The pre-defined call handling is not visible in the Call Routing Manager but you can add your own rules to it.
The corresponding scripts are located in the files 'rulePreProcessing.rse' and 'rulePostProcessing.rse', which can be found as well in the database.

The script ‘PreProcessing’ ensures that the message ‘CallProcededing’ is sent in time to the ISDN connection of the service provider. This signals the service provider that sufficient information has been provided in order to identify the destination subscriber. Any eventual numbers dialled after the service provider has received ‘Call Proceeding’ will not be delivered.
In addition, the PreProcessing deals with special types of calls and allows the start of self-defined PreProcessing rules. The following steps are listed in detail:
1. If the call is a Remote Inquiry call from a SwyxIt! Classic or a SwyxPhone, the Remote Inquiry is immediately executed and the rest of the Rule Book is ignored.
2. If the call is a conference set-up, the rest of the Rule Book will also be ignored.
3. If one exists, the self-defined PreProcessing rule will now be started (see below).
4. If the variable ‘bSendCallPRoceeding’ = TRUE is set, the Call Proceeding will be sent to ISDN as mentioned above.
5. The normal set of rules will be applied if the call has not already been dealt with in the preceding steps.
To have your own rule (point 3) executed, create a rule with the name ‘PreProcessing’ using the Graphical Script Editor. The resulting file 'rulePreProcessing.vbs' will be saved in a user-specific way. If these rule should be valid for all users, save the rule filtered by "Show global files". If the Call Proceeding (point 4) mentioned above should not be sent, set the variable bSendCallProceeding = FALSE in your rule. If your own PreProcessing rule is exited via “Rule executed”, the normal Rule Book will no longer be executed.

The script ‘PostProcessing’ ensures that an incoming call, which has not been forwarded by any rule, will be connected to the subscriber if the subscriber is logged on.
The Postprocessing can be replaced by a rule of your own. To do this, create a rule called ‘PostProcessing’ using the Graphical Script Editor. The resulting file 'rulePostProcessing.vbs' will be saved in the database in a user-specific way. If your own self-defined PostProcessing rule is exited via “Rule executed”, the standard PostProcessing will no longer be executed.
Please note that these rules in the Rule Book will appear as normal rules under the user whose user name you used to create the self-defined Pre or Postprocessing rules. However, due to the fact that these rules are always added to the Rule Book, they may not be activated under this user. If they are activated in the Rule Book, these rules will be applied twice; once as Pre-/PostProcessing and once as a normal user rule.