2.7 System Rules
In the Call Routing Managers Rule Book, you will find the so-called system rules, which are marked with a separate symbol

. They represent the different kinds of redirection. You cannot rename, copy or remove these system rules. You can only change the corresponding parameters. The parameters of these rules can also be directly defined in SwyxIt! Classic in the configuration of the redirections.
Depending on the settings you have chosen, these rules are either active or inactive.
This is how you change the parameters of a system rule
It is only possible to modify the parameters for system rules.
1 Under "use the following rules in this order", click on the rule you want to modify.
The contents of the rule will be shown under “Description: This rule will be used…”.
2 In the rule description, click on the parameter you would like to modify or double-click on the rule.
The tabs with the current rule parameters will appear.
3 Enter the changes you would like to make.

Call Forwarding Unconditional

Call Forwarding No Reply

Call Forwarding Busy
4 To change the Standard Voice Box, go to the "Standard Voice Box" tab.
5 Switch on the “Welcome announcement” in order to define the text of the welcome announcement.
6 Define the announcement to be played (WAV file).
You have several options:

From the dropdown list select a file.

Browse your hard drive by clicking on

Click on

, to listen to the selected file. Click on

to stop playing the file.

To record a new announcement, click on

: You will now be prompted to enter a file name. The “Start Recording” window will appear. Click on “Start” to begin recording the announcement. Stop recording by clicking on


To delete the selected file, click on

The WAV files, which the administrator has made available to all users, have the extension “(Template)” in the file name. These templates cannot be deleted.
7 Switch "Record voice message"

to play an announcement to the callers,
and record voice messages.
Here you can also limit the length of the recording so that the files, in which the messages are stored, do not become too large.

out to play only an announcement to the callers, but
not record voice messages.
8 In the "Send voice message to the following e-mail address" field, you specify the e-mail address to which all voice messages will be sent.
9 You will then find each recorded voice message in your e-mail client (e.g. Outlook) as an attachment to an e-mail. To listen to this voice message , double-click on the attachment.
10 Click on "OK" to close the window.
Please remember that the redirection parameters, which you defined in the “Settings” menu or the shortcut menu of the “Redirection” button, will be changed here.
11 Switch on "Start remote inquiry using * key during Voice Box announcement" to listen to your voice messages from another connection or to be able to change your instant forwarding remotely.
12 To change the Remote Inquiry, switch to the “Standard Inquiry” tab.
14 Click on "OK" to confirm the parameters.
The rule description with the modified parameters will be displayed.