help • 18 The Use of Skins • Editing Skin • Editing information areas (display elements)
18.2.24 Editing information areas (display elements)
Display elements are used to display various information, such as e. g. Date, time, charges, caller’s name and telephone number, name and telephone number of the person being called, etc.
You can arrange the display elements as you wish on suitable areas of the skin. On the standard Skin, some of the display elements are e.g. located on the line buttons. On older Skins, the display elements are arranged on a telephone display. The following describes how you can change, add, or delete existing display elements.
Search function
The display element with the information type "Number Dialed" is a special feature. This serves not only for display, but also for entering a number or name, and it also includes the search function.
Configure display element
With SwyxIt! Classic you can change the appearance of and the information to be presented in the individual display elements. A display element is composed of the following components:
*display background image
*information to be shown
*Priority of information
You can also specify whether the element should always be displayed, or only on a particular tab.
To change the appearance of a display element
1 Click on the display element to be changed.
The "Properties of…" window with multiple tabs will appear.
The “General” Tab
On this tab, you define the general settings for the display element.
To define the general settings for the display element
1 If you would like to assign this display to a particular Line button, enter the index number of the corresponding line in the “Number” field.
You can thus display the call history for the connection of the indexed line.
If the information area is not indexed (Index 0), the information of the active line only will be displayed.
2 The graphic file to be used as background is defined in the “Normal” field located under “Background image”:
*Click on to search for the appropriate files or
*Click on to edit the selected graphic using the linked graphic application.
3 Under “Position”, in the “x‑Axis” and “y-Axis” fields, you can define the coordinates of the display elements within the SwyxIt! Classic interface. The zero point of the coordinate system lies in the upper left corner.
It is not possible to change other fields for the display element.
Please make certain that the background for a display, in which you would like to display a call history, has a sufficient height (approx. 6-8 lines).
The “Information Display” Tab
On this tab, you indicate the information to be shown on a display element. The following information is provided for display.
Available Information
Active Call Forwarding
Display of Call Forwarding Unconditional (Call Forwarding: <destination>)
Active Server
Display of the server to which SwyxIt! Classic is currently logged on.
Called Extension (incoming)
Display of the extension dialed by the caller
Called Name (incoming)
Display of the subscriber name dialed by the caller
Current Date (
Own name
User name, with which SwyxIt! Classic is logged on to SwyxServer.
Charges incurred for the active connection
Number Dialed
Display of an entered number or search function.
Information from SwyxIt! Classic
These are status messages, which SwyxIt! Classic outputs for an action, e.g. during log-on to SwyxServer, or in case of a change into the CTI mode.
Name of the caller (if available)
XXX stands for an unknown caller
Name / Number
Name and number of the caller (if available)
XXX stands for an unknown caller
Number of the caller (if available)
XXX stands for an unknown number
Call History
Shows all actions that you have executed with this call.
Call History (brief)
Shows in abbreviated form all actions that you have executed with this call.
Current Time (hh:mm:ss)
Forwarded from name
Name of the subscriber who forwarded this call.
Forwarded from number
Number of the subscriber who forwarded this call.
Duration of connection
Duration of the active connection (hh:mm:ss)
Connection state
State of the active line.
If a display element should show more than one piece of information, you can indicate the priority of each piece of information. For example, if one and the same display element should show the current time and a caller’s number/name, it makes sense to assign a higher priority to the number/name information than to the time information. As soon as a call is received, the time information is hidden and the number/name information is shown.
The fields “Minimum display time” and “Maximum display time” are used to indicate how long new information should be shown in the display.
If you enter 5 seconds in the “Minimum display time” field and 10seconds in the “Maximum display time” field for the number/name information, this information will be shown for at least 5 seconds (even if information with higher priority should be available in the meantime) and for a maximum of 10 seconds. After this time has expired, the information element with the lower priority, in this case, the time, will once again be shown.
All types of information which can be shown on a display element are listed in the “Available” list box.
The list box “Chosen” contains a list of the information which actually will be shown on the selected display element.
To add information to a display element
1 Click in the “Available” list box on the information you would like shown on the display element.
2 Click on .
1 In the “Available” list box, double-click on the information you would like shown on the display element.
Each time you do this, the information to be shown will be copied to the “Chosen” list box.
To remove information from a display element
1 In the "Chosen" list box, click on the information you no longer wish to show on the display element.
2 Click on .
1 In the “Chosen” list box, double-click on the information you no longer wish to show on the display element.
Each time you do this, the information will be removed from the “Chosen” list box.
To change the priority of information in the display element
1 Go to the “Chosen” list box and click on the information to be changed.
2 Click
*on , to increase the priority
*on , to decrease the priority
The position of the information within the "Chosen" list box changes according to the priority entry you have made.
To define how long information should be displayed
1 Go to the “Chosen” list box and click on the information to be changed.
2 Enter the least amount of time the information should be shown in the “Minimum display time” field. This period of time applies even if information with a higher priority becomes available in the mean time.
3 Enter the maximum amount of time the information should be shown in the “Maximum display time” field.
A value of “0” means that the information should always be shown (it makes sense to use this for the date or the time).
The “Tabs” tab
You can group display elements on tabs. You must give the information on the group and page for each element that is to be positioned on a tab.
Before you assign the group and page information for the tab for individual skin elements, you should first create the tab elements with the group and page information.
Note the information on creating tabs under 18.2.26 Tabs (page elements).
To assign a skin element to a tab
1 Activate the checkbox "Enable tab group".
2 Enter a number for the group in the relevant field. All elements of a group must have the same number.
3 Enter a number for the page in the relevant field. The page with the lowest number is used in foreground as default.
Add Display Element
The following describes how to add a display element.
To add a new display element
1 Click with the right mouse button on the SwyxIt! Classic user interface.
The context menu will appear.
2 Click on "New…".
The “Insert new Object” window appears:
3 Then, under “Select type”, click on the option “Information Areas”.
4 Click on “OK”.
The "Properties of…" window will appear.
5 Configure the new information area, as described in Configure display element.
Removing a Display Element
The following describes how to remove a display element.
To delete a display element
1 Click with the right mouse button on the respective display element.
The context menu will appear.
2 Click on "Remove".
The display element will then be deleted.