help • 16 VisualContacts and DATEV • Display of the contacts in parallel to the call
16.5 Display of the contacts in parallel to the call
When receiving an incoming call, SwyxIt! Classic automatically uses the caller's phone number to search for the contact data within the ESTOS MetaDirectory.
If the number cannot be mapped to a contact data source, a message appears in the VisualContacts window: "The search "Search_term" did not match any contacts".
If a contact involves a DATEV addressee, the contact is flagged with a "DATEV click" icon. See also Via DATEV-Klick.
Click on the arrow to the right of the relevant entry, to call up all the information stored in this contact (names, addresses, numbers, images, customer-specific information, etc.).
For outgoing calls it makes no difference whether you make them via the SwyxIt! Classic input field, or e.g. initiate them from DATEV - SwyxIt! Classic shows you the matching contact data on the "VisualContacts" tab.
*A click on a telephone number starts a call to the contact person via SwyxIt! Classic.
*A click on an e-mail address in the contact details will open your standard e-mail program and transfer the e-mail address into an empty e-mail window.
*By clicking on a fax number, you automatically start the SwyxFax Client. A dialog window will open, which you can use to send a Quickfax. See also$.
*A click on an address opens Google Maps in the external browser.
It is also possible to start applications from the contact details. This must be set up correspondingly in the MetaDirectory beforehand.