2.2.8 Skill based routing
With the skill based routing, callers in a queue can be automatically forwarded to the user with the highest skill level of the skills selected for a queue. The order of skill levels is: Hero > Expert > Senior > Junior.
This chapter describes the configuration and assignment of skills and skill levels.
To add a new skill
1 In the menu, select Administration | Settings | Skills.
The list of your existing skills appears.
2 Click on Add.
3 Enter a name for the skill you want to add.
4 Click on Save.
A new skill is created. You can now assign the skill to a user.
To edit a skill
1 In the menu, select Administration | Settings | Skills.
The list of your existing skills appears.
2 Select the checkbox in the row of the skill you want to edit and click Edit.
3 You can change the name in the input field.
4 You can also assign users to the skill here. To do this, activate the checkboxes in the rows of the desired users under Available users and click the corresponding arrow icon to assign them to the skill.
6 Click on Save.
The existing skill will be changed. The skill is updated immediately for all assigned users and queues.
To delete a skill
Note that deleting skills that have already been assigned to users or queues can affect the behavior of the queue. If no skills are assigned to a queue, all users are again factored in for routing.
1 In the menu, select Administration | Settings | Skills.
The list of your existing skills appears.
2 Select the checkbox in the row of the skill you want to remove and click Delete.
The skill is deleted.
To assign Skills and Skill levels to users
1 In the menu select Administration | Users.
The list of all VisualGroups users appears.
2 Select the checkbox in the row of the user to whom you want to assign a skill and click Edit.
3 Under Available skills, select the check box in the row of the desired skill and click the corresponding arrow icon to assign the skill.
5 At the bottom, click Save to confirm your entries.
The settings are applied.