2.4.1 Situations
When you call the Rule Wizard (
This is how you create a new user rule or
This is how you modify a user rule) the Rule Wizard will open. If you click on “Next>” you will move on to the “Situations” window. Here you describe under what circumstances the rule should be applied. All allowed situations, i.e. the system situations, are listed under “This Rule shall apply under the following situations…”. A rule can be applied to different situations. Situations which have already been selected are shown with a check mark.
You can select from the following situations:

All situations

The subscriber can be reached and the call can be connected.

The line is busy, which means that the subscriber is currently making a call and all lines are busy or the option "Disable secondary call" is activated.

The status of the subscriber is set to "Away" within the rich presence information.

The status of the subscriber is set to "Do not disturb" within the rich presence information.

The subscriber is "absent" according to the calendar.

The subscriber is "busy" according to the calendar.

The subscriber is not logged on to the SwyxServer.
Note that the information "absent" and "busy" according to Outlook Calendar can only be updated at certain intervals (presetting: 15 minutes) from Outlook to the Exchange Server. It is only available for rule processing after the update has taken place. These settings can be changed in Outlook under "Tools | Options | Settings | Calendar options... | Free/Busy Options” Remember that a very small value will lead to network overload.
A calender query is also possible under Lotus/IBM/HCL Notes. This requires the installation of Lotus/IBM/HCL Notes SDK. Unlike Microsoft Outlook, Lotus/IBM/HCL Notes does not allow qualification concerning local appointments and absences. The "Freetime" query in Lotus/IBM/HCL Notes interprets all-day events as "absent" and all other appointments will be treated as "busy”.
The information concerning whether a user is "absent" or "busy" is only required when the Exchange Server starts the first call handling. If this query appears several times during call handling, the value of the first query will be applied again.
This is how you define the situations for a rule
1 Select “This rule shall apply in the following situations…” and activate the checkbox of the situation you want.
A check mark will appear in the box in front of the selected situation.
2 Repeat step
(1) until you have selected all of the situations in which the rule should be applied.
3 If you wish to remove your selection of a situation, just deactivate the corresponding checkbox.
The check mark will be removed.
4 Click on ”Next>”.
The window“Rule Wizard - Type of Call” appears.